The "fedora-board" group appears to be unused and unmaintained. I need to set up the permissions for the bduget calendar which requires a FAS group. I can request one for "budget" but it seems that reusing a council group is more efficient.
Can we (re)start a Fedora Council FAS group?
We might ask for renaming the old fedora-board group, but I don't know if that has any technical impact we want to avoid.
FYI, we don't support renaming fas groups. Just empty the old one and mark it invite only and make a new one with the needed people/info.
So there is now a council FAS group. Should we empty the fedora-boardgroup (@mattdm can do that as admin) and then close this ticket?
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue assigned to mattdm
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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