This ticket is private for now (see below).
It appears that we will be able to accept GSoC money this year. I am finalizing the details still, but it appears we will be good to go.
Assuming we have no problems, we will receive $8200 to be used for anything we would like. The suggestion is that we use $3000 for travel for students/mentors, $2200 for travel for two people to the mentor summit. Google offers no advice for the remaining $3000.
I would like council approval for the following:
Allocate $700 for student travel to LDAPCon for Ilias Stamatis (mentor: William Brown). This is directly related to his project and was requested by William.
Allocate the actual costs for Flock expenses for David Silva (a GSoC student). Estimated at $1500 (but may fluctuate).
Allocate the actual costs for Flock expenses for David Labsky (not in GSoC - but student designer of the Fedorator). Estimated at $1300.
Authorization for me (bexelbie) to allocate other costs as appropriate in line with the above without needing explicit council approval.
Send Tom Calloway to the mentor summit as I am unavailable. We will need to determine who else (and if anyone else) should go.
This ticket is private right now as I am waiting on a final RH accounting issue to be resolved. I do not want to publicize the receipt of these funds until I know it will happen. When this is confirmed, I will make the ticket public.
If funds are not able to be received, Items 4 and 5 are moot, Items 2 and 3 will remain part of the Flock budget and Item 1 will be covered by non-public funds.
I would appreciate votes in the ticket by Friday 28 July with lazy consensus rules of 3 +1s and no -1s.
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue assigned to bex
I am basically ok with the proposal, but is there a reason why you picked up these 2 GSoC students (or better, one) over others? I can immagine we have many other students in the program.
Same question as Robert. +1 otherwise.
There are a total of 6 GSoC students. Only one is going to Flock so far, David Silva. Only one has had a conference request made, Ilias Stamatis. David Labsky is not a GSoC student, however his work feels aligned with GSoC.
I would add any Outreachy student funding requests we have, but I haven't gotten that confirmed yet.
I didn't so much pick these students as just react to inbound requests.
+1 looks good.
I am +1. Thanks @bex for taking care of it.
ok, +1
This is approved via ticket lazy consensus. I will make the ticket public once I get final confirmation on the accounting side.
I have a meeting with the accounting team to confirm details for public publishing on 6 September
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue tagged with: budget
a portion of the funds have already arrived. Marking ticket public and closing.
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue close_status updated to: approved - Issue private status set to: False (was: True) - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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