#146 Council Members please submit a short bio
Closed 6 years ago Opened 7 years ago by bex.

See https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs/issue/4

We want to let people know more about you :)

Do you plan to archive past members of the Council elsewhere or would you remove their bio after their term ends?

Do you plan to archive past members of the Council elsewhere or would you remove their bio after their term ends?

I think that would be appropriate

@ausil @nb @jwboyer @robyduck @amsharma @langdon @dperpeet @pbrobinson

Please submit PRs to this page: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs/blob/master/f/council/members.adoc

@jflory7 @jkurik for the historic section :( - for now just submit the PR above

@bex will will work on getting the FPL and FCAIC bios linked in - they are on their specific pages.

Do you plan to archive past members of the Council elsewhere or would you remove their bio after their term ends?

I think that would be appropriate

LOL: which would be?

Do you plan to archive past members of the Council elsewhere or would you remove their bio after their term ends?

I think that would be appropriate

LOL: which would be?


I believe that we should remove the bios as they will no longer be "in date"

That's probably true. Maybe we could ask outgoing members for a link to a page/site with whatever current info they want?

That's probably true. Maybe we could ask outgoing members for a link to a page/site with whatever current info they want?


Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue priority set to: Next Meeting

6 years ago

OK, so if I want to "close" my work on this ticket, what's the decision? And, can I recommend, we open X tickets and assign them to the individual people with "what to do"?

OK, so if I want to "close" my work on this ticket, what's the decision? And, can I recommend, we open X tickets and assign them to the individual people with "what to do"?


I want to avoid making more tickets than I have to. How about: everyone write and submit a PR for the docs site. If you don't in a couple of weeks, I'll make individual tickets for the missing ones.

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue assigned to mattdm

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Next Meeting)
- Issue tagged with: documentation

6 years ago

My Bio is here: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs/pull-request/37 - it would be great if you could proofread it.

Mine is finally done and merged! (would still be more satisifying if could close a ticket @mattdm!) Here: Fedora-Council/council-docs#41

I added bios for @robyduck and @pbrobinson, which they can feel free to update later if they don't like what I found on the Internet.

@bex , if you could be so kind to push the latest version, we can close this ticket.

pushed and closing.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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