#161 Election Interview Questions - Mindshare
Closed: approved 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by bex.

In order to move forward with the next election, we need to determine which three mandatory questions the Mindshare should have asked. This is the result of the conversation around Council ticket 156 where the role of the questionnaire was explored.

The end result is that we need the Council to please either identify the three questions or a process that can be completed before the end of the year so we can properly communicate them to candidates and so they enough time to answer them.

The link to the current questionnaire is here:


I suggest that because this is a new group that is not a direct analog to FAMSCo that the Council identify the questions with significant input from the Mindshare Objective Lead, @robyduck

There you go:

  • Is there a specific task or issue you think that Mindshare should address this term?
  • Please elaborate on the personal "Why" which motivates you to be a candidate for Mindshare.
  • What are your thoughts on the impact (as an individual and then as a Mindshare group) that the group will have?

Thank you.

From today's meeting, this looks good to everyone. @amsharma suggests targeting the last question to:

  • What are your thoughts on the impact (as an individual and then as a Mindshare group) that the group will have on the Fedora Mission?

rather than just general impact.

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

Sure, I'm fine with that too.

Thank you - I have copied these out for use in the next election.

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