#174 Docs FAD 2018
Closed: approved 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by bex.


We would like to put together a production oriented docs FAD bringing together both existing members of docs team and other qualified interested parties.

$10385 is the padded estimate

I am + 1 to this. That's rather a lot for a FAD budget, but we're near the end of the FY with not as many expenditures as we'd planned on, and this is something that will have a big impact. The tooling is mostly ready -- we just need to get a good, base set of docs into the new format and a similar base of people comfortable with the tooling, so that the docs team can grow into being self-sustaining again.

robyduck and Amita voted +1 in the ticket bringing us to the required threshold and there are no -1s, so this is approved.

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved

7 years ago

This has been budgeted

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