#179 Fundings for a Microphone for Marketing
Closed: approved 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.

I'm asking for fundings to buy a Microphone for hte Marketing team to run the Podcast Serie as descibed in the Ticket #257 of the Marketing team's Pagure.

The idea is to release this Podcast in several platforms and create a Magazine article about it to gain some attention. For now we have 5 sessions proposed, only the pilot one is already scheduled (Fedocal entry). Also the first reference is in my personal fpo.org.

I'm asking for $84 USD to buy this microphone. It's quite cheap in amazon.com but with taxes and delivering it will be over $100 USD.

cc @bex @mattdm

@x3mboy can you give a more specific answer than "over $100"?

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue priority set to: Next Meeting

6 years ago

@bex sure. Here are the details with AmazonGlobal shipping:

Order Summary

Items: $64.00
Shipping & handling $14.53
Total before tax: $78.53
Estimated tax to be collected: $15.00
Import Fees Deposit: $20.53
Total: $114.06

This is approved at today's Council meeting.

@x3mboy please email me directly with the link and your shipping details, including email, phone number and address so we can get this ordered ASAP.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue assigned to bex

6 years ago

This has been ordered. It'll take me a few days to close the loop on the financial paperwork, please leave this ticket open until then.


@x3mboy please update this ticket when the microphone is received.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue priority set to: None (was: Next Meeting)

6 years ago

Microphone was received, and it's working and functional.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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