#183 Infrastructure hackathon - April 2018
Closed: approved 6 years ago Opened 7 years ago by pfrields.

The Fedora infrastructure team would like to hold a hackathon meeting from April 9-13. We've priced out various options and determined that lower hotel and food costs in Fredericksburg VA offset the nominal costs for work space and transportation (vs. RDU area which was our other option). Our proposal is located here on the wiki:


At this time, it appears that our transportation funds can be handled out of other budget in the next two weeks, provided we receive a timely approval. The cost of the onsite event will be about $8K in Q1FY19, although I may be able to find additional sponsorship for a portion of these costs.

I am +1 to the FAD, however I'd like to wait to approve this ticket until we know if the amount needs to go up based on the airfare. We also need to start an FY19 plan ...

I've revised the budget based on discussion with @bex. Basically, it looks like some flights have to be charged out of Q1FY19 funds to make this happen. However, I was able to score some "leftover" funds from our department to pre-purchase airfares now. This makes the total lower than expected. There is also a chance that I can find a source for one or two costs in Q1FY19. The maximum Fedora budget would be about $12K.

Bex, what's the status here? This has enough +1s to be approved (including mine, which I guess I didn't write down, so... +1) and no negatives except for your hold...

we are currently in a money hold. I'll know more soon.

For the record I am +1 to the FAD

Thanks for input thus far, folks. FYI, I have to reserve the space immediately, although the Ansible team is sponsoring our room (one of our work items is AWX standup for Fedora/CentOS).

@pfrields can you verify the HackFest is still moving forward as planned given the new meeting information. Also, can you summarize exactly what expenses are left as I know you got a lot of funding and the reporting came in over a lot emails.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue tagged with: hackfests

6 years ago

It most certainly is still happening.

We have venue secured as well as most flights, and hotel rooms are reserved. I was able to find costs for almost all flights elsewhere, which is a big savings to the Fedora budget I requested. :thumbsup: The train fares are a pittance and will also be handled elsewhere.

Due to the way your budget was constrained, we thought the Q1FY19 costs would be as high as $13.5K or so. That now looks instead like roughly $10K (estimates):

  • Lodging - $6500 (might be closer to $6K with current occupancy tax)
  • Meals - $2500
  • 2 minivan rentals - $1000

There is still the matter of @nb airfare, but as yet he hasn't been able to 100% commit to the trip. I'll check with him again and email you with info.

This has been approved for spending. I am shifting the ticket to responsibility of me to resolve the last of the finances re: budget.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue assigned to bex

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue priority set to: In Progress

6 years ago

the budget has been updated. Closing

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

Not reopening this ticket, but I wanted to note for Council transparency that the remaining costs were within budget, about $8536.

Apologies, I realized there are two van rental costs not covered here, but that should be significantly under $1K total. Again, still under budget as expected.

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