#209 Budget Allocation Change
Closed: approved 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by bex.

We have a roughly $20,000 shortfall in the Flock budget caused by higher than expected Flight costs from the US and significantly higher than expected AV equipment costs.

Normally we would look to the hotel to provide AV support for the conference. This hotel provides video support themselves and suggests that audio be contracted out. Because of the high costs of contracting the audio support, we have opted to purchase audio equipment and have recruited someone to run it. This has saved us rougly $8000. We cannot cancel the video support because, as a quirk of location, it is tied to our lunch in the hotel.

Flights from the US, and pretty much only from the US, have run significantly more than expected. We have not refused funding to anyone on the basis of location and have continued to fund with priority based on impact and diversity. This has allowed us to say yes to almost all requests. We are now out of funds allocated for travel with one request remaining unfilled. Our keynote speaker may also require travel funding which is not included yet.


  1. Allocate $2500 of the Google Summer of Code support funds to Flock to be used to offset travel costs for GSoC students to Flock. This will leave $2200 to cover travel for the mentor summit and $500 in other GSoC related travel support for appropriate conferences.

    I further suggest we make a permanent allocation of the $500/student funds GSoC provides to try to always fund some/all students to attend.

  2. Allocate $7500 from the Mindshare budget. These funds represent funds that were not spent in Q2 by the regions or Mindshare.

  3. Allocate an additional $12,000 from the council funds that are currently unallocated to cover the balance with a 10% margin. These funds would have most likely been used by FADs, which are being replaced by Flock meetings.

  4. Post Flock allocate any unused funds back to the council unallocated budget.

The budget at budget.stg.fedoraproject.org is accurate with all known expenses as of yesterday. budget.fedoraproject.org is still updating and may be current by the meeting.

I'm +1 to this reallocation. The travel funding is important for bringing the community together.

For next year, I'd like to consider raising the suggested registration fee to help cover this travel for those who can't afford it. I was just at GUADEC, and their suggested donation was 40€!

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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