As a continuation of our strategy conversations, we should have a blocked off time for a council hackfest. I've been talking to @mattdm and he thinks he can have a presentation and strategy for us to debate and move forward with by late November.
The goal of having a hackfest is primarily to ensure that we have blocked time on people's calendars for focus on this kind of work. Strategy is hard to do remotely and even harder to do asynchronously in only a few hours a week.
We will pick three days between Tuesday November 27 - Friday November 30 to avoid the holiday patterns and do this before the end of the year. This puts us in a good position to use as a platform to start socializing messages. The final date selections rely on some other factors not yet resolved ... and you :).
The hackfest will probably be held in the USA as most of our members are based there. We are considering several city options and plan to choose based on cost/flight schedules and the ability to examine a city as a potential Flock target.
We are asking you to reply to this ticket with a yes/no on whether you could make these dates work. If you can't, please help us come up with some new ones in this same basic time frame. If the block is weekdays vs weekends, let us know that too. We'd like everyone to be present and able to focus exclusively on Fedora for these three days.
Thank you.
+1 to 27-30 Nov.
I think we should look seriously at Minneapolis for this FAD.
Also, @amsharma has confirmed that Jona should be able to make it. Mindshare is selecting a new rep now and I will confirm with them once there is a clear leader.
Minneapolis is a neat city (as is St. Paul, right next to it.) Why there, out of curiosity?
i accidentally deleted @langdon 's +1 to these dates -- sorry about that.
pfft! I am still +1 but less so on Minneapolis in november. How about San Diego, Tucson, Austin, New Orleans, or Cocoa Beach, FL?
-1 on those dates, it's mine and my daughter's birthday on the 30th and I have things I need to do then
@ausil Do you have an alternate to propose?
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue private status set to: False (was: True)
@bcotton I am in Brno October 10-20 and Vancouver November 10-17 and the week of November 26-30 it out, any other days before Christmas I could make work
Metadata Update from @ausil: - Issue private status set to: True
@jwboyer Minneapolis because it's: something new and not East Coast, cheaper than Chicago, and easy to fly to as a Delta hub.
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue private status set to: False (was: True)
Metadata Update from @bcotton: - Issue assigned to bex
I will be in Australia all of December and mostly on PTO
@pbrobinson Do the November days work, or is it pretty much all bad?
@mattdm anything from around Nov 17th to the end of the year is bad for me
I think we'll have to miss you at this one, then. Maybe next one in Australia in June or so. :)
Direct email sent to council members.
If this is for the first week of December, I might be able to fly on the 4th. I can confirm once the dates are set.
There are some meetings that may be happening and may pull a bunch of people out during the first week of December. If those are happening we will shift to the 2nd week of December.
Moved to second week of December.
This is happening, literally right now.
Metadata Update from @bex: - Issue close_status updated to: resolved - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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