#220 Geo Ideas for Flock 2019 and Flock 2020
Closed: approved 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by bex.

Following on from the positive conversation about Flock planning in https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/flock-planning@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/QTMKLYUFWDJM5EOVTCBBDX5235IH5OAT/

Here is a proposal for setting Geo Ideas for Flocks 2019 and (planning win!) 2020.

  • 2019 - A city within a 4-5 hour bus/train journey of Brno, Czech Republic. This is based on the huge number of attendees coming specifically from near Brno and making their travel a bit easier on our and their budgets.

  • 2020 - A "tier2" city with good air connections in the mid-west to west coast part of the US. We want to find a good cost, which may mean avoiding many tier 1 cities. Additionally we want to not have the conference seem to be "stuck" to the East Coast.

As soon as the council approves this we will move forward.

+1 to the idea. St Louis may be a good choice for US

I would suggest that we keep to the alternating of NA and EU locations and have it in NA in 2019, per the pattern. Some of us find it much easier to get travel approved by our employer if it is not international. It'd be nice not to ask for international trips two years in a row. Otherwise I like @bex's plan

I would suggest that we keep to the alternating of NA and EU locations and have it in NA in 2019, per the pattern. Some of us find it much easier to get travel approved by our employer if it is not international. It'd be nice not to ask for international trips two years in a row. Otherwise I like @bex's plan

See the discussion at the link. We do want to stay on an alternating pattern, but we've got reason (clash with RH Summit travel) to switch which year is which, which means some duplication somewhere one year or another.

Approved in Council Meeting on 3 October

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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