#43 Create the Fedora Public Budget Page
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by decause.

As per the results of our council discussion here (https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/council-discuss/2015-October/013742.html) we are heretofore establishing a new page (wiki or otherwise) that will track the timeline and particulars of the Fedora Public Budget. It shall include:

Budgetary Components, Projected and Adjusted for each fiscal year:
- Regional Budget Allocations (APAC/EMEA/LATAM/NA)
- Fedora Premier Event Budgets (FLOCK, FUDCons)
- Central Discretionary Fund (approved by Council)
- FAD specific Budgets

Budgetary Milestones and Timelines:
- August: In person meeting at FLOCK
- September: Proposed budget components and metrics from each region
- October: Ratification of Proposed Budget by Council
- March: Confirmation of Received budget w/ Adjustment Meeting
- Quarterly Check-ins with Regional Treasurers
- Halfly approvals of Regional Funds, pending metrics and outcomes reporting

If there are other details or resources that should be included on this page, feel free to leave them in the comments below. I would propose that this page eventually be made available at http://budget.fedoraproject.org

Thanks for taking the lead on this. The lack of transparency wrt. the budget has been a problem for years. After Max left, nobody took over and with the shift from CommArch to OSAS, things got worse. Thus the last numbers we have in the wiki are from FY 2012 and 2013.

Replying to [ticket:43 decause]:

establishing a new page (wiki or otherwise) that will track the timeline and particulars of the Fedora Public Budget. It shall include:

Budgetary Components, Projected and Adjusted for each fiscal year:
- Regional Budget Allocations (APAC/EMEA/LATAM/NA)
- Fedora Premier Event Budgets (FLOCK, FUDCons)
- Central Discretionary Fund (approved by Council)
- FAD specific Budgets

I agree. Please note that currently FADs are considered premiere events just like FLOCK and FUDCons. A [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Premier_Fedora_Events premiere event] is whatever is mainly about Fedora vs. an event we simply attend.

Budgetary Milestones and Timelines:
- August: In person meeting at FLOCK

While meeting people in person always is a good idea, I wonder what the exact purpose of this meeting would be.

It's definitely not a good idea for creating the actual budget. Compiling a list of events not only requires a lot of people (we usually have 10 - 15 at the EMEA budgeting FAD), but also a lot of time. This means we would fly a lot of people to FLOCK who then hardly have time to do anything but the budget.

  • September: Proposed budget components and metrics from each region

What kind of metrics do you have in mind?

  • October: Ratification of Proposed Budget by Council
  • March: Confirmation of Received budget w/ Adjustment Meeting
  • Quarterly Check-ins with Regional Treasurers
  • Halfly approvals of Regional Funds, pending metrics and outcomes reporting

While the first two points are pretty clear, I wonder what the last two are supposed to be. In particular:
How would the check-ins work? How can we make sure we actually have regional treasurers? Hint: The more freedom and responsibility they get, the more people are willing to do this job.
What exactly needs to be approved and when? We currently have a very fine-grained approval process that takes into account the regional differences. A lot of experiaince and work has been put into it, so I suggest to not change the approval process until we are sure we have something that works better.

Replying to [comment:2 cwickert]:

Thanks for taking the lead on this. The lack of transparency wrt. the budget has been a problem for years. After Max left, nobody took over and with the shift from CommArch to OSAS, things got worse. Thus the last numbers we have in the wiki are from FY 2012 and 2013.

Replying to [ticket:43 decause]:

establishing a new page (wiki or otherwise) that will track the timeline and particulars of the Fedora Public Budget. It shall include:

Budgetary Components, Projected and Adjusted for each fiscal year:
- Regional Budget Allocations (APAC/EMEA/LATAM/NA)
- Fedora Premier Event Budgets (FLOCK, FUDCons)
- Central Discretionary Fund (approved by Council)
- FAD specific Budgets

I agree. Please note that currently FADs are considered premiere events just like FLOCK and FUDCons. A [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Premier_Fedora_Events premiere event] is whatever is mainly about Fedora vs. an event we simply attend.

Budgetary Milestones and Timelines:
- August: In person meeting at FLOCK

While meeting people in person always is a good idea, I wonder what the exact purpose of this meeting would be.

It is my understanding that this would be an Open discussion at FLOCK to allow folks in the project to discuss "high-level" budget priorities for the upcoming year, informed by Adjusted reports and metrics from the previous year.

It's definitely not a good idea for creating the actual budget. Compiling a list of events not only requires a lot of people (we usually have 10 - 15 at the EMEA budgeting FAD), but also a lot of time. This means we would fly a lot of people to FLOCK who then hardly have time to do anything but the budget.

  • September: Proposed budget components and metrics from each region

What kind of metrics do you have in mind?

Transferred from this council-discuss thread: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/council-discuss/2015-November/013845.html

As laid out, event reporters are not (necessarily) doing the analysis, only the reporting. This type of reporting is mostly about reporting raw numbers and gathering links.

--Snipped From Wiki--

- Attendees contacted or reached
- Fedora Badges issued at or as a result of the event
- Pull requests and patches submitted as a result of event
- Bugs reported
- Candidates sourced (i.e. Outreachy, GSoC, and/or other FOSS programs)
- Articles/Videos/Photos/Content published by or about regional team
- Social media mentions and interactions generated by event
- Other supporting evidence data that shows the results of your effort
- Links to and reach of Posts on Fedora Channels

--Snipped From Wiki--

Most of these elements can be tracked by:

- Keeping a Sign-in sheet at the event
- Having a QR code for badge awarding
- Using tags such as "python3 VFAD" to associate with an event with a PR/Bugzilla Report
- Candidate sourced would join the Outreachy or Summer-Coding mail list, and should include which event they started at in their introduction email.
- Articles/Content/Videos may be harder to find, but we want them for more than just reimbursement, we want to promote awesome Fedora things. By using a hashtag for an event, we should be able to aggregate some of that stuff from social media.
- Anec-data and other personal accounts can be included as a blurb when sending the report.
CommOps and Fedora Social Media Manager (via OSAS) can help promote these, and get metrics too.

As far as analysis, we need to start with data and metrics, which don't necessarily need to be number-crunched by the ambassadors.

  • October: Ratification of Proposed Budget by Council
  • March: Confirmation of Received budget w/ Adjustment Meeting
  • Quarterly Check-ins with Regional Treasurers
  • Halfly approvals of Regional Funds, pending metrics and outcomes reporting

While the first two points are pretty clear, I wonder what the last two are supposed to be. In particular:
* How would the check-ins work?

As far as I can tell, Check-ins would basically require Treasurers to openly communicate with the FCL and Council roughly 2 weeks before the quarterly deadline. This can be done via IRC, or other sync/asynchronous channels of communication, so long as their budgets can be updated and posted to the forthcoming https://budget.fedoraproject.org site, and the regional storyteller's event reports are syndicated to the appropriate Fedora Channels.

How can we make sure we actually have regional treasurers? Hint: The more freedom and responsibility they get, the more people are willing to do this job.

For starters, Regions without delegates will have a /difficult/ time getting allocated budget. That isn't our intention of requiring delegates, we want to have dedicated folks to help ensure the process is followed, rather than having it be nebulous. Second, we have proposed that delegates receive special recognition (in the form of Fedora Badges) as well as possible travel funding/support to their Regional Fedora Premier Event.

  • What exactly needs to be approved and when? We currently have a very fine-grained approval process that takes into account the regional differences. A lot of experiaince and work has been put into it, so I suggest to not change the approval process until we are sure we have something that works better.

It is our intention to do just that, and keep the regional policies that FAMSCo worked hard to put in place in tact. The approval process for anything below $2K will remain a regional decision, and the only change for approvals of expenditures above $2K will be that they are now approved by the Council, rather than FAMSCo.


a little something i did for Fedora APAC regional budget planning FAD:

maybe can start from here?

Replying to [comment:5 izhar]:


a little something i did for Fedora APAC regional budget planning FAD:

maybe can start from here?


This site is def a useful tool, thank you for sharing it. I think having a way to visualize expenditures like this brings a level of budget transparency I have not seen before.

Is there a repo somewhere where I can find this code and check it out? I have lots of questions about how you get the data into the charts, and how much effort it takes to maintain this site.

Thanks for Sharing,

I have been added to the web and gitfedora-web groups in FAS. I am working with the websites team to get a copy of the repo that generates all the Fedora websites now.

I have also gotten some volunteers from EMEA ambassadors and CommOps who would like to help contribute. As soon as I have a copy of the repo, I will be pushing code to pagure.io, and using the issue tracker there.

As per the discussion during the council meeting here: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-02-22/council.2016-02-22-18.00.log.html here are a few updates and ideas:

  • Adding a page for identifying the regional delegates
  • Adding 'who approves' and 'where approval takes place' columns to the schedule graphic
  • exploring using pagure.io docs feature as a replacement for the website
  • looking into the defunct draftbudget project: https://fedorahosted.org/draftbudget/
  • maintain a separate repository for budget-data, which auto-updates the budget info pages via webhooks
  • include links to impact reports generated by fedora-stats-tools tracking contributor activity pre/post events

maybe it helps ... the process as it was set up initially by Max and me


and mabye this also helps ...


I'm going to make a suggestion that this ticket can be closed, in light of:

Agree with jflory7. Site is created. Maintaining it is a separate issue.

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