Prenote: Another form of this ticket is also filed in the fedora-budget repository as fedora-budget#18.
It is unclear how Ambassador regional treasurers are expected to interact and participate in reporting expenses with regards to the Fedora Budget.
A lot of work was done in setting up this repository as a method for publicly tracking expenses. I think using Pagure is an effective solution and if properly taken care of, it will be an effective tool for us. But right now, there is no clear information for how a treasurer is expected to contribute to this repository or what the expectations even are.
A high priority item for this should be to create a standard operating procedure (SOP) either as a separate DOC or in the README about what treasurers will do with this repository, how they are expected to contribute information, and maybe any details / information about when this information is expected each fiscal year.
I think it's important that the Council helps take charge and action on this to help maintain a healthy, active, and maintained version of the Fedora budget. I see a lot of work that was put into this and I'm fearful that it will be forgotten / left behind until it reaches a point where it might be easier to start all over again with a different solution.
I, as treasurer of LATAM, would like to help out with this task.
We all need guidance when it comes to what our leadership wants, and since leadership has shifted twice this year already there is no consistency with reports, how often reports are due to the council. standard procedures would greatly help the process and ensure the process keeps going even when positions change with leadership.
Replying to [comment:2 award3535]:
I agree. We have this on the agenda for the Council meeting today. I won't be solved by the end of the meeting, but we're working on it.
jwboyer, I wouldn't expect it to be solved in one meeting and I greatly appreciate the attention this is getting. It has been needed for a long time and I have a standing ticket in trac for FAmNA that posts the budget for north America every month to where everyone can see where and how the budget is being spent. As for the council, we have no guidelines on how often, where, and who we should make our reports to, and with the new FY coming just around the corner, it would be greatly appreciated on what is needed and required.
I have begun working on this by reaching out to the various regional treasures. I am awaiting one response right now.
Bex, do you want this ticket still open?
Yes. I am working to get time in my schedule to meet with the regional treasurers and card holders about implementing a system based on ledger-cli. This would allow the reporting problems to be somewhat alleviated and allow the focus to stop being on $$ and become on impact and activity reporting.
Closing as a duplicate of where the work will be done.
@bex changed the status to Closed
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