#83 Budget Reallocation (FADs and FUDCons)
Closed: approved 8 years ago Opened 8 years ago by bex.

I'd like to make a technical reallocation of the budget for FY17.

FUDCon APAC underspent their total budget allocation. FUDCon LATAM overspent their budget allocation. The FADs are a place where we could use some more money.

I'd like to transfer the $3330.09 underspend from FUDCON APAC as follows:

  • $2197.90 to FUDCon LATAM to cover their overspend
  • $1132.19 to FADs to cover parts of the Diversity FAD which is already approved and to leave a balance toward additional FADs or prepayment for next year's FADs (possibly the Council FAD)

@mattdm can we include this in the next meeting?

In meeting today, we were generally for this. Calling officially for lazy consensus on this since it covers budget, even though since we are talking about moving council-level money from one line to another, direct regional budgets aren't affected. So, short timeframe (especially as we get to end of fiscal year) seems fine. Let's do three days — need at least three +1s and no -1s in that period. Go!

@bex changed the status to Closed

8 years ago

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