Original report were to fedora review service: https://github.com/FrostyX/fedora-review-service/issues/5
I think it is quite lame from us to provide 2 separate urls, to rpm spec file and SRPM. Those files are related and spec file can be always extracted from provided SRPM. Since we are using automated tool to process the review, why should we force user to ensure external and internal spec file to be matching? We should do Review as simple as possible. Uploading two separate files with separate URLs is not necessary. It gets annoying when updates to spec files need to be uploaded manually. The check in fedora-review whether those specs are equal is clear indication one is extra.
Could we instead modify fedora-create-review to extract spec file by command rpm2cpio $SRPM | cpio -i '*.spec' and attach extracted spec as bug attachment. Unlike SRPM, there should not be any licensing problems with spec hosted on bugs directly.
rpm2cpio $SRPM | cpio -i '*.spec'
If one uploaded file is always enough, could we please process just what is required?
A direct link to the spec makes my life easier as a reviewer.
Wouldn't it be similar way if you could just open spec from attachment made from SRPM URL? Could that URL be created by automated service instead of user having to process it manually?
Maybe another solution would be also adding simple review update into fedora-create-review tool.
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