Alex is listed as an active UK ambassador. His direct email address and fedoraproject email address are bouncing.
We should either figure out how to contact him and get his details updated or mark him inactive so that people don't try to contact him.
Alex Hudson (alexh)
CC: @alexh
May I ask how long his e-mail addresses are bouncing and what the bounce reason exactly is? Aside of that, the @fp.o e-mail address is likely bouncing because the direct is, because @fp.o is only an alias/forwarder to the direct e-mail address.
And: For example, my @fp.o e-mail address was partially bouncing last/this week also due to infrastructure issues with the inbound mail servers of fp.o – I was told about these bounces via an mailing list admin using a side channel…because he knows me personally. Note, this was just @fp.o, not my direct e-mail address bouncing. So what I would like to express is, that sometimes configuration mistakes happen and why shouldn't these have happened to @alexh as well, if even our fp.o inbound mail servers had issues last/this week? The domain related to the direct e-mail address is still registered and reachable via HTTP(S), so did you try contacting him via his website contact form, or via the e-mail address or phone number mentioned in the WHOIS of that domain, or via Twitter direct message? Or did you try to call him personally via the phone number in FAS?
I contacted him just like someone wanting to contact an ambassador would. I am not suggesting that this report from me should be a final statement. Think of this as a "see something, say something" report. I think it is important that our ambassadors be contactable.
This strikes me as something that Ambassadors (FAMA, EMEA, or UK) should have a process for resolving.
As an ambassador, I expect that he would be working hard to ensure his @fp.o forward and FAS email address were accurate because he is a point of contact for the project.
Any news on this? What are we going to do?
If he hasn't replied to the emails than It's better to mark him as inactive.
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