#363 Taking swag from Nicaragua to FUDCon Puno
Closed: Fixed None Opened 7 years ago by mayorga.

Software Freedom Day in Managua, Nicaragua was canceled, so I will be taking some swag left, mostly stickers, from Nicaragua's material to Puno since folks in Peru do not have a proper amount. Filing this ticket for the record.

The swag was produced for several events. Small presentations that we are invited on the spot and some other more bigger events like software freedom day and release party.
We can give away most of the stickers that we have produced, keeping a small amount just in case we are invited to do a small presentation. We have plenty of time to run a new production for Release party of Fedora 25. We do like to keep stock of material that is not release sensitive. We rarely produce material that has logo of an event, year or release. So we can use it any time. I think other teams should do so.

thank you mayorga, your swag was very useful in FUDCon Puno,

closing the ticket.

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