#377 Centralize a domain for latam countries
Closed 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by x3mboy.

Right now http://fedoracommunity.org/latam host a little list with some community sites in latam. Almost all of them are dead or are redirected to getfedora.org.

Links dead include one to the old http://www.proyectofedora.org

The idea is, like it was told in the meeting at 2016-08-06 [1], to ask for a fedoracommunity.org domain.

Task will be:

  1. Ask in ML for countries that have their own sites.
  2. Ask of a LATAM site is necessary, and where it will be hosted.
  3. Ask for fc.org to obtain a latam.fedoracommunity.org domain and point to host in point 2.


Almost all of them are dead or are redirected to getfedora.org

That's probably what would happen to new regional websites, unless they are hosted in fedora infra, but still, they'd need to be updated...

My question is: why aren't the translations of the Fedora webpages enough?

See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Local_community_domains#Buying_a_separate_domain

In addition, splitting off a domain has the tendency to keep local community members from getting up to date information that flows on the official Fedora channels. It multiplies the number of areas a community member needs to monitor and thus takes away from the time they could otherwise spend on contribution directly to Fedora.

I believe the point above is true...

You do have a point on removing those broken links from infra though... Maybe we should just remove all these links from official Fedora websites?

Else, what kind of content we would have in those regional pages? Let's say, latam.fc.o

Maybe we could announce or cover regional events, idk...

North america has no websites: http://fedoracommunity.org/northam

APAC does not have a major regional site, but does have sites for some countries (most of them are blogs): http://fedoracommunity.org/apac

EMEA does not have a major regional site either, but have sites for some countries: http://fedoracommunity.org/emea

So maybe we could follow the model of the other regions and get per country domains for whoever wants them and drop the latam one?

So maybe we could follow the model of the other regions and get per country domains for whoever wants them and drop the latam one?

That's another way to ask the same I did in point 2: Is it necessary a Latam website?

Even if this is ok, I'm proceeding with point 1, and ask about regional sites.

Hi guys, today i received the renew of the domain proyectofedora.cl.

Anybody have a DNS domain server in order to migrate the zone, just let me know.

Which Fedora Project decision do we have.

PD: today is redirected to a empty domain: http://fedora-latam.org/

Greetings and thanks to all o/

Hi @lletelier , you can use cloudflare[1] o cloudns[2] to have a free DNS service

[1] https://www.cloudflare.com/
[2] https://www.cloudns.net/

No news. Nobody looks interested in a central domain. Next meeting I will put this ticket in voting to close and open a new one just to update country domains links broken in http://fedoracommunity.org/latam

If a country wants a fc.o domain to their country, their should follow the guidelines and file a ticket in Infraestructure's Pagure

Metadata Update from @alexove:
- Issue untagged with: Meeting
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

7 years ago

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