#437 Countries Landing Pages
Closed: Closed 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.

A few time ago I created the new structure for the Latam events. Now I'm requesting you to do a proper landing page for each country (and to add your country if I miss it). The idea is to have a little resume about your country, the list of ambassadors in your country (linked to their personal wiki page) and a list of the events per year.

I'm not requesting to add old events in this page, but at least 2017 and future events. The idea is to make the community aware about what each country is doing in terms of events.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue tagged with: Meeting

6 years ago

Do you mean something like this:


It is really out ot date but maybe a good proof of concept.

Yes. That one looks really nice. I also did the one for Chile:


But that one looks better. Also there is the one from Brazil:


But yes, that's the idea to have a landing page for each country, and inside that landing page, put links to the events.

Mexico done :sweat_smile:
I copy the Mexican ambassadors list from [1]

I just noticed that update script[2] don't check the 'last_seen' field of FAS, so maybe that list is not completely valid.

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification#Mexico_.2812.29
[2] https://pagure.io/fama/blob/master/f/membership-mwclient-0.3-prod.py

I just noticed that update script[2] don't check the 'last_seen' field of FAS, so maybe that list is not completely valid.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification#Mexico_.2812.29
[2] https://pagure.io/fama/blob/master/f/membership-mwclient-0.3-prod.py

So maybe we should avoid duplicating information in the wiki and just add a link to the membership service page? :)

Metadata Update from @athoscr:
- Issue untagged with: Meeting

6 years ago

The contributorsTablesLATAM.md are not necessarily composed of contributors, but anyone with a FAS account with location set in LATAM, am I right?

you are right @athoscr , the only filter is "if they are active in the last year"

that list is a little tricky so for Mexico i will join this list with cla+1 group members (or just skip this section for a while)

Argentina is ready. Please take a look. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome

looks fine for me, maybe one section with the tentative events for 2018 will be fine too


looks fine for me, maybe one section with the tentative events for 2018 will be fine too

The main idea of that wiki tree is showing what we do, in latam, and in each country. "tentative" is not 100% sure, but, is there another place were we can create "tentative" event pages?... we need to solve that!

Please remember to create the pages from your countries. This ticket can be closed, but at the moment only 5 countries have created their pages.

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue tagged with: Meeting

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue untagged with: Meeting

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @asoliard:
- Issue close_status updated to: Closed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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