#262 F26 Talking Points
Closed: Fixed 6 years ago Opened 7 years ago by x3mboy.

One of the task of the Marketing team is to have a list of Talking Points ready to help Ambassadors and Marketing members to publicize each release.

This issue is a call for help with this for Fedora Atomic F26 Talking points

Thanks in advance for your cooperation with us.

Metadata Update from @dustymabe:
- Issue assigned to jberkus

7 years ago

So, will F26 Atomic have containerized Kubernetes? How about OverlayFS?


  • overlayfs - yes
  • containerized kube - TBD

@x3mboy - what is the deadline for this. @jberkus is attending conferences for the next few weeks.

@dustymabe We are trying to get them before alpha release. But as soon as you can.

hey @x3mboy I don't think we'll have anything before @jberkus get's back. I'm hoping that isn't too disruptive.

@dustymabe well, the more important thing is to answer what we'll have; if we know that, I can do the talking points on the plane.

Like, when are we going to decide about containerized kubernetes?

Is there any advance on this? Today is the Alpha release, but we can work with this to the Beta Release.

I have nothing. I've been travelling, and I don'tknow the status on the various changes proposed for F26. @dustymabe @jasonbrooks @roshi @kushal Please comment.

Apologies, I also don't know the status of the various changes for F26. I haven't interjected in this thread precisely because I have no information to add to it. :(

Here's what I have per Dusty:

  1. Switch to OverlayFS for default Docker FS. (but not one-big-volume for backwards compat).
  2. Containerized Kubernetes as an option.
  3. Rename media files (ISO, etc.) to match OStree release date. @dusty, can you provide an example of a completed filename for this?
  4. gpg verification of OSTree commits by default
  5. two week releases and OSTree updates now synchronize

Can we combine 3 & 5 into one point?

With https://pagure.io/fedora-atomic/c/785b27dfeeeb6055af8b6581c247ca1412128dd6?branch=f25 did we actually start shipping more locales with atomic? That happened during 25 but after 25 first shipped.

These need some processing to suss out what's important, but f25 GA to current f26 is:

Yeah, we should definitely add something about System Containers.

Thanks for your feedback, it looks amazing. I will summarize, please let me know if this is ok, and then I will copy it to the wiki:

  • atomic 1.16.5:
    • Fix uninstall bug BZ 1425495
    • Allow for async scans via dbus
    • syscontainers: allow delete by image id
    • syscontainers: support @sha256: format for image listing
    • Fix FQ Name for SystemContainers
  • Improvements to Systems Containers
    • I'm not sure how to extend this with the info in the link provided. Maybe is not needed and we can just mention the point.
  • cockpit 133:
    • Remotely managed machines are now configured in /etc/cockpit/machines.d
    • Packages can register additional bridges
    • Split translations into individual packages
  • docker 1.13.1:
    • Sort docker stack ls by name
    • Fix use of **/ in .dockerignore
    • Output of docker CLI --help is now wrapped to the terminal width
    • Suppress image digest in docker ps
    • Hide command options that are related to Windows
  • rpm-ostree 2017.3-3.fc26:
    • remove duplicate words in comment
    • libpriv: Reduce scope of variables
    • core: Do GPG verification before importing
    • daemon: Tell systemd when we're shutting down
    • daemon: Remove several unused instance variables
    • Makefile.am: add rpm-ostreed stub to GITIGNOREFILES
    • libvm: don't call rpm-ostree status on first time
    • RpmOstreeOrigin: also cache initramfs args
    • upgrader: switch to stateless model
    • vmcheck: adjust for new behaviour
  • Improvements to package layering
    • I'm not sure how to extend this with the info in the link provided. Maybe is not needed and we can just mention the point.

The final Talking Points should looks like:

  • Improvements to package layering
  • docker 1.13.1
  • cockpit 133
  • Improvements to Systems Containers
  • atomic 1.16.5

With these changes we solve a lots of bugs reported and issues like:

  • Switch to OverlayFS for default Docker FS. (but not one-big-volume for backwards compat).
  • Containerized Kubernetes as an option.
  • Rename media files to match OStree release date.
  • GPG verification of OSTree commits by default
  • Two week releases and OSTree updates now synchronize

Looks good, we just need to supply some descriptions. I'd like to replace the OStree-related changes with:

OSTree-Driven Releases
The OSTree release dates now determine both the two-week release content and the media filenames, meaning that the OSTree update is the release. These OSTree releases are GPG-verified.

@jberkus That comment should replace the last 3 points, Am I right?

@x3mboy I thought we were supposed to have a meeting 20 min ago, but you haven't been on IRC.

@jberkus sorry, I was sick that day. Can we set a new time and date for the meeting?

@jberkus finally met (sorry for that, it's totally on me). Now Talking Points are ready:

Fedora Atomic Talking Points

Also, he comment that Cockpit and Atomic CLI version will be newer for Final Release, so I will ping him at the #fedora-cloud IRC channel before the release, to update those points.

Thanks so much for your help and for your amazing work.

See you around.

Great work guys. These look really polished! - one final nit:

OSTree-driven releases - The OSTree release dates now determine both the two-week release content and the media filenames, meaning that the OSTree update is the release. These OSTree releases are GPG-verified.

  • OSTree-driven releases - this link is to an article about us giving users a more stable ref they can follow that only gets updated every two weeks and has some better level of testing involved so it doesn't quite match the sentence associated with it
  • The OSTree release dates now determine both the two-week release content and the media filenames, meaning that the OSTree update is the release. This is something we are working on, but it's not quite done yet. The change landed in pungi, but we need to get the change landed in bodhi so that we can take advantage of it for all of f26. TL;DR - we should make this a separate talking point and possibly yank it if we can't make this happen.
  • These OSTree releases are GPG-verified. Not entirely true yet. We need to make this happen: https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/230

f26 is out - and I think this can be closed

Metadata Update from @dustymabe:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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