#378 Remove dracut-config-generic from the cloud images
Opened 2 years ago by dcavalca. Modified 3 months ago

This is currently included in comps: https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/blob/main/f/comps-f37.xml.in#_539 and it's unclear whether we actually need/use it. Consider a Change for f37 to drop it.

We need it or otherwise the initramfs is generated matching the host environment that the image is built in, because the image build process is literally installing to a disk using Anaconda.

If we only need this during build, is there a way to remove it from the final image afterwards?

Not really, because all the Anaconda initramfs stuff happens post-kickstart completion.

If we move away to either kiwi or osbuild, then we can get rid of it, because both tools call dracut directly and properly in generic mode, without relying on the dracut configuration to do the right thing.

We have moved to kiwi, so we can now address this issue!

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