#552 Show build count in task queue tabs
Closed 5 years ago by frostyx. Opened 5 years ago by frostyx.

The task queue page is very useful in two scenarios

  1. A user has a build that isn't not running yet and he wants to check how many builds waits before it
  2. A developer wants to check if copr is not stuck

This RFE aims to enhance a developer experience in the 2nd case. One has to compare the amount of running builds vs the number of pending builds and basically, when there is a small amount of running builds and hundreds of pending builds, there is a problem. Graphs in the "Statistics" tab are very useful for this, but I would like to suggest also adding the count of builds in the particular state to the tabs. I.e. modifying the menu

Importing | Pending | Running | Statistics


Importing [0] | Pending [120] | Running [3] | Statistics

AFAIK there should be a standard way how to do this in bootstrap. If not, I would literally add the number in [ ] brackets.

Metadata Update from @frostyx:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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