#1898 cli: let exceptions flow to the main function
Merged 2 years ago by praiskup. Opened 2 years ago by frostyx.
copr/ frostyx/copr cli-catch-in-main  into  main

file modified
+23 -31
@@ -654,26 +654,21 @@ 



          username = args.username or self.config["username"]

-         try:

-             projects = self.client.project_proxy.get_list(username)

-             if not projects:

-                 sys.stderr.write("No copr retrieved for user: '{0}'\n".format(username))

-                 return


-             for project in projects:

-                 print("Name: {0}".format(project.name))

-                 print("  Description: {0}".format(project.description))

-                 if project.chroot_repos:

-                     print("  Repo(s):")

-                     for name, url in project.chroot_repos.items():

-                         print("    {0}: {1}".format(name, url))

-                 if project.additional_repos:

-                     print("  Additional repo: {0}".format(" ".join(project.additional_repos)))

-                 print("")


-         except CoprRequestException as ex:

-             sys.stderr.write(str(ex) + "\n")

-             sys.stderr.write("Un-expected data returned, please report this issue\n")

+         projects = self.client.project_proxy.get_list(username)

+         if not projects:

+             sys.stderr.write("No copr retrieved for user: '{0}'\n".format(username))

+             return


+         for project in projects:

+             print("Name: {0}".format(project.name))

+             print("  Description: {0}".format(project.description))

+             if project.chroot_repos:

+                 print("  Repo(s):")

+                 for name, url in project.chroot_repos.items():

+                     print("    {0}: {1}".format(name, url))

+             if project.additional_repos:

+                 print("  Additional repo: {0}".format(" ".join(project.additional_repos)))

+             print("")


      def action_status(self, args):

          build = self.client.build_proxy.get(args.build_id)
@@ -937,17 +932,14 @@ 

          ownername, project_dirname = self.parse_name(args.copr_repo)

          projectname = project_dirname.split(':')[0]

          buildopts = buildopts_from_args(args, None)

-         try:

-             build = self.client.package_proxy.build(ownername=ownername, projectname=projectname,

-                                                     packagename=args.name, buildopts=buildopts,

-                                                     project_dirname=project_dirname)

-             print("Build was added to {0}.".format(build.projectname))

-             print("Created builds: {0}".format(build.id))


-             if not args.nowait:

-                 self._watch_builds([build.id])

-         except CoprRequestException as ex:

-             sys.stderr.write(str(ex) + "\n")

+         build = self.client.package_proxy.build(ownername=ownername, projectname=projectname,

+                                                 packagename=args.name, buildopts=buildopts,

+                                                 project_dirname=project_dirname)

+         print("Build was added to {0}.".format(build.projectname))

+         print("Created builds: {0}".format(build.id))


+         if not args.nowait:

+             self._watch_builds([build.id])


      def action_build_module(self, args):


Fix #1888

We properly catch all exceptions in the main function and return
appropriate error codes if anything happens. Don't interfere with this
by handling exceptions in the particular subcommands such as
build-pacakge or list.

Build succeeded.

rebased onto d0ee478

2 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by praiskup

2 years ago

Build succeeded.
