#1 Identify Milestones
Opened 3 years ago by siddharthvipul1. Modified 3 years ago


[ ] aarch64 Openshift installed on staging
[ ] Cluster integrated with the x86 cluster on staging
[ ] Can build end to end on staging, start off a build in staging koji
[ ] Builds should be published to a registry


[ ] aarch64 Deploy on production
[ ] Cluster integrated with the x86 cluster on production
[ ] Can build end to end on production
[ ] Builds should be published to a registry

We need access to aarch64 container images. So thats the first step.


[X] aarch64 Openshift installed on staging
[X] Cluster integrated with the x86 cluster on staging
[ ] Can build end to end on staging, start off a build in staging koji
[ ] Builds should be published to a registry

[X] aarch64 Deploy on production
[X] Cluster integrated with the x86 cluster on production
[X] Can build end to end on production
[X] Builds should be published to a registry

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