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Requesting a T-shirt design for the big Flock conference in Rochester, NY August 12-15, 2015: http://flocktofedora.org
== Deadline ==
== Details ==
Some of the details TBD in the ticket: Color of shirt Number of colors to use * Background color of the object
Consult rsuehle and spot for more printer information -- note, we'll need the printer's size/color requirements for the Design team to complete the job.
A few questions:
and / or
has there been any other collateral actually designed yet that should be used as a baseline for a shirt design?
Do we have some pictures of past flock shirts somewhere, and maybe things that we didnt / did like about those designs?
Last year was the "astronomical clock" design: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/raw-attachment/ticket/330/flock-2014-tshirt.pdf
I don't know that anyone was unhappy with the design. IMHO, it was one of the coolest we've had.
However, maybe someone involved with the production could speak to that side of things? For instance, were there any printing issues we should be aware of?
I also love the Flock Prague design. Following in those lines, my first thought would be a motif related to the [http://www.geh.org/fm/timeline-cameras/htmlsrc/me13000215_ful.html#topofimage Kodak Brownie] or an [http://www.geh.org/fm/timeline-cameras/htmlsrc/me13000111_ful.html#topofimage early View Camera]. That's what I think of when I think of Rochester. But [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochester,_New_York apparently] it is the "Flower City", so maybe that's a direction too.
re: flower city, riecatnor suggested incorporating this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Rochester,_New_York.svg
attachment flock-shirt-2015.svg
attachment flock-shirt-2015.png
Here is a first draft of a tshirt design. I am thinking about making the skyline more simplified. Also I plan to play around with the banners a bit more. Suggestions are welcome!
While researching the Rochester logo, I ran across this page -> http://www.cityofrochester.gov/trademark/ and decided it may be better to avoid using the Rochester logo, at least until we clarify if we can use it. I do know that Barcamp Rochester uses a mashup of their logo and the Rochester logo http://barcamproc.org/ so for me it is still unclear.
attachment flock-shirt-2015.2.svg
attachment flocktshirts.png
I simplified the skyline and created a few variations. Here are my two favorites so far. In the first one the design of the cityscape still needs to be cleaned up a bit. For example I plan to add spacing in the shorter middle building, the windows are too close together.
attachment flock-shirt-2015.2.2.svg
attachment flocktshirts.2.png
Input from last Design Team review: - Use only 4 colors - White for brights, and gray for shade - Try gray for outline on trees (Tried this, didn't look great, I simplified to one green) - Work on incorporating Fedora logo - Try different banners - Try a ribbon or badge - Play with positioning - Simplify building details
I worked on all of these things and I am pleased with the progress. Suggestions for improvement are welcome :)
attachment flock-shirt-2015.2.3.svg
attachment flocktshirts_150dpi.2.png
Input from last Design Team review: - Use cityscape with more detail - Could use more simplification/clean up - Work on incorporating Fedora logo - Try diagonal alignment with banner - Put logo on flag - Wrap URL around edge of circle, and put logo in banner - Try adding a "bump" to banner to include logo
I made 15 variations based on last weeks review. Looking forward to feedback, thanks :)
Please look at the shirt colors here and tell me which is closest. I suspect True Royal, but I wanted to be sure: https://www.ssactivewear.com/ShopNow/Item.aspx?ID=29
Also, we need to finalize ASAP. We need to have the order placed and deposit paid by July 22.
Well, if nobody else is offering opinions, I'll say 1 is my favorite, but I think we need to get the whole Fedora logo in with wordmark, if you could lengthen the smaller banner piece to accommodate it.
Could we get the final design files by Monday?
Yes, I have time set aside this weekend to finish
attachment flocktshirt_1.svg
attachment flocktshirt_1.sla
attachment flocktshirt_1.eps
attachment flocktshirt_1.pdf
attachment flocktshirt_2.svg
attachment flocktshirt_2.sla
attachment flocktshirt_2.eps
attachment flocktshirt_2.pdf
attachment flocktshirt.png
I have uploaded files for the final design. Flocktshirt_1(.svg, .sla, .eps & .pdf) all have a white background behind to deal with potential file transparency issues that Mizmo warned me about. Flocktshirt_2(.svg, .sla, .eps & .pdf) do not have a white background. I am a scribus newbie and I am having issues properly exporting a pdf. I searched for answers, and played around with settings with no luck. I would appreciate some guidance, or some help making sure that we have the correct files ready for print. I am including a png to show exactly how the design should look.
@rseuhle, the true royal blue looks good. Do you know if the printer will need a PDF or EPS? Thanks
just tried opening both the scribus files in scribus 1.4.5 and it is saying that the files are corrupted, or were done with a older or newer version of scribus, so i cant check to see what is going wrong with the pdf output. :(
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted.svg
I had a quick look at the SVG, and their might have been a few things that were causing the issues when importing into Scribus -- the first big one that i don't think scribus can handle is clip paths. I also usually convert all text to paths too, and also (probably not 100% neccecary, but i usually do it anyway), is to convert all strokes to paths as well, so there is no strokes in the SVG when importing.
I had a go at doing all this conversion for the flockshirt_1.svg, and here is what I came up with:
importing this one into scribus hopefully will behave a lot better.
When exporting this as a PDF, i usually just follow the instructions in Mo's tutorial [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_set_CMYK_color_on_a_design_for_printing#Vector_Recipe here] (the vector one), and haven't really had an issue with printers lately (i most recently did this for all the fudcon Pune stuff last month) -- the only issue i ran into was that the printer needed me to export to pdf1.5 instead of the pdf1.4 that scribus (1.4.5) defaulted to for me.
attachment flocktshirt_3.sla
attachment flocktshirt_3.eps
attachment flocktshirt_3.pdf
@ryanlerch, I am most likely using an old version of scribus. Sorry bout that. Thanks for fixing up the SVG.
Ok, I have used flocktshirt_1-converted.svg to make a new scribus file. I used Mo's tutorial successfully up to the PDF part. I successfully created an eps. I uploaded the PDF file it is producing so that it will give a clue to as what is happening on my end.
I downloaded the PDF, and it is cut off on the side.
Is it possible to use the entire Fedora logo with f bubble as mentioned above?
attachment flocktshirt_4.sla
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted.2.svg
attachment flocktshirt_4.eps
attachment flocktshirt_4.pdf
attachment flocktshirt_4.png
I have incorporated the f bubble into the banner and uploaded the files. I am having some issues exporting to a PDF using scribus, and have been trying to troubleshoot today. I have people helping me figure it out as I type this so I should hopefully have the final PDF here shortly.
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted.3.svg
it would be nice to have the bubble in there, but not sure how we can get it to work at all with the unknown being the colour of the shirt -- using the shirt colour as the background for the bubble with the proper blue for the infinity part of the logo may will likely end up with the logo looking wrong
in this case, i think we should take the safe route and just use the logotext.
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted-whitebackground.pdf
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted-whitebackground.sla
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted-whitebackground.svg
attachment pngproof-navybackground.png
Okies, did a quick print-ready run on the design. here is the proof with the navy background:
[[Image(pngproof-navybackground.png, 50%)]]
and here is the print-ready PDF with the CMYK colours taken from the previously uploaded PDFs:
One of the green shrubberies had an opactiy of99% that was making scribus complain, so that should be fixed in the SVG too.
Sources: https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/369/flocktshirt_1-converted-whitebackground.sla https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/attachment/ticket/369/flocktshirt_1-converted-whitebackground.svg
attachment flock2015_shirt.pdf
@rsuehle, gnokii uploaded the correct pdf
@rsuehle, wait on this file. double checking on the colors, because the blue looks off.
@rsuehle, OK, we are good now. use the file flocktshirt_1-converted-whitebackground.pdf or flocktshirt_1-converted-transparentbackground.pdf depending on which one the printer needs.
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted-transparentbackground.pdf
I think they're going to want an eps, but I'll ask.
@ryanlerch, can you please provide eps'? thanks
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted_whitebg.eps
attachment flocktshirt_1-converted_transparentbg.eps
@rsuehle, I uploaded eps' with both a white or transparent background depending on whats needed.
If you need a pdf, these ones are still good to go.
Hey everyone who worked on this! I just wanted to note: I'm at LinuxCon, and have gotten several comments from people about the great design of this shirt. One person said "I have so many tech t-shirts, and they're usually shrug, but that one is really good."
Wow! That is really cool to hear, thank you for sharing. The design was a team effort and I would agree that the t-shirts are a big success :)
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