#403 Icons for new FAS website
Closed: Fixed None Opened 9 years ago by laxathom.

Team icon

Platform icon

Bio icon

Deadline: none

Size: Unknown atm

Ideas: simple, greys, possibly mimic past Fedora default icons/user pics

riecatnor is working on this one!

Here is the first round of drafts


I am about to start working on a second round of mockups. In the design team meeting we decided to work more on the 4th row of icons. We want to try two things out for the group icon, 1) shoulder lines that go part of the way down 2) tapered shoulder lines.

laxathom, I have a few questions for you.
What size are they going to be displayed at in the UI?
What is going on with the website? If it is going to be down for a while, would it be possible for you to post a few screenshots for us to work with?
Also, I am not sure what 'platform' icon refers to, can you explain?

Yeah, the 4th row, I really like it, specifically the 1st and 2nd one. They are so nice!

For the size, I still am working on the layout to find the best one to put in place.
I did some upade on the UI and added a default font to try it out. I will update the
Website so you can see as well. The website went down because of an update.
It should be back up in a few minute.

I can't recall why we wrote down "platform" at flock :/
Give me a time to refresh my memory.

Hey, sorry for the delay. The website is back up now and updated with latest changes.

You can look at this page http://fas3-dev.fedorainfracloud.org/group/details/3001
for an idea of the size in the title's page (this is a default icon for test).

You can also look at people's page: http://fas3-dev.fedorainfracloud.org/people
which provides an accepted picture size, don't know if both group's and profile's should be the same size.

Here are some options for the group icon based on our discussion at the last design team meeting.


below are mockups of the icons in the webpage




Love the 3rd one from comment 8.

Can it be bigger on group's page or you think the current size is ok?

Here are the updated mock ups based on the last design team meeting.



Comments and suggestions welcome.

@laxathom, I think that the icons on the group page could be larger, which I think may be a simple thing to do when adding them onto the site. You tell me :)

Moar Mockups!




@laxathom riecatnor needs your feedback to continue her work on this

Sorry Marie for taking so long to reply.

I love the gray background on people's list (maybe a bit lighter?).
On group's list I'd prefer to let them within no background just like in #comment9.

+1 on group_mockup.png[[BR]]
+100 on packagers_mockup.png - :heart_eyes: for the icon on title's bar. [[BR]]
+1 on users_mockup_2.png

OK, here are proposed final drafts for the different icons in mock ups. I changed to a lighter background for the users list, and added in icons to the title bars.


There are perfect!

What do you think about using them in the top menu for "Fedora groups" and "Fedora people"?

I uploaded the icons as SVGs. @laxathom please let me know what file types and sizes you need, or if you can use the SVGs.

And yes, I think using them in the top menu will work! Let's see how they look :) the fasicon_group.svg will work for that, but I made a specific file for the user on the top menu, fasicon_user_topmenu.svg

Excellent, thanks a bunch @riecatnor.

Yeah, SVGs should be all fine. I should be able to build ttf and the like out of them.

Awesome! Let me know if you need anything else for this

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