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= phenomenon = We need a logo for upcoming FUDCon Phnom Penh 2016 riecatnor made us already this drawing of an Apsara dancer which must be rectorized and turned into the FUDCon logo according to the regulations.
= reason =
= recommendation =
attachment apsaradancer_3.png
attachment apsaradancer_3.xcf
attachment apsaradancer.svg
attachment fcon16.png
I made a test, how it could finally look. I am not convinced to the position that much. I think a version with just one hand position is better. I forgot to tell riecatnor, that the hand positions have meanings, so we have to watch a bit which we choose.
Opinions on the stage?
Replying to [comment:2 gnokii]: gnokii, I like what you did with the outline/ silhouette along the top. I made a version as well with the dancer that riecatnor posted: [[Image(fudcon 2016_ location.png)]]
I made a test, how it could finally look. I am not convinced to the position that much. I think a version with just one hand position is better. I forgot to tell riecatnor, that the hand positions have meanings, so we have to watch a bit which we choose. Opinions on the stage?
attachment fudcon 2016_ location.png
Hey gnokii, we're not sure where to go with this one. Is the meaning with riecatnor's design problematic? What should we do?
attachment logo_FUDCON_pp.svg
attachment rect3532.png
I replaced the body from riecatnors drawing with mine, it fits. There are just some small issues as riecatnor did re-draw it, all the lines had same strength. I did allready convert all shapes to paths and started to tweak the strokes, but on the crown is still some work to do.
Are we ready to go with the last one? We need it to update fudcon.fp.o.
yes Robert we go with it
attachment logo_FUDCON_pp.2.svg
hey gnokii, are you set with this one so we can close the ticket?
okay all set! closing this one.
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