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As soon as ready
@kjandova is organizing the printer
Interior Text:
Thank you for helping us to distribute free software in your language. Software is useless if it is incomprehensible!
Your contribution is very important to us and we are very grateful. Please accept this token of appreciation from the Fedora Project. We hope you’ll wear it with pride.
The path to great free software is a long one and the path to offering a fantastic and complete version in everyone’s native language is even longer. Thank you for joining us on this adventure and we’re looking forward to continuing this work with you.
We hope you’ll promote this form of contribution to expand the reach of the Fedora Project. Localization is a great way to join our community!
Jean-Baptiste, on behalf of Jona, Pravin, and the Fedora Localization Project
Size: 148 x 210 milimeters opened (portrait) and 105 x 148 folded (landscape) Standard professional printing on a stock-esque paper
Related to ticket #525
I have talked to @mleonova about this in person.
CC: @jibecfed @jonatoni @pravins
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Issue assigned to mleonova
SO I did a bunch of horizontal versions and 1 vertical - I honestly don't have a preference. Let me know what catches your eye!
<img alt="horiz_cover1.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/e5e95e002cd609a83ca5fe4c8c1595a83ef181bd178a37a8c9490ae3de2d4a67-horiz_cover1.png" /><img alt="horiz_cover2.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/b6f3cdfeda28d2da6181777b0f9074fe90fdb521d529785e5c57824218c223a1-horiz_cover2.png" /><img alt="horiz_cover3.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/b1f5dc9e374330129dbb3b5877f2d152963fe2b65ebdf9bfcb1f6cb800cf115c-horiz_cover3.png" /><img alt="horiz_cover4.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/aa32e0b301445ca05f37b17b6f87ee0c8c1405758a49473b831ce544ecf91540-horiz_cover4.png" /><img alt="horiz_inside.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/64e9e23ae5c42e0b7d2ba254b986d8af9d0be314e420d19978a07e96b54dba21-horiz_inside.png" /><img alt="vert_cover.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/95cd16ca9ca87face0c0cde95d0493f9405238b10e1ab459782f70dd81c5959d-vert_cover.png" /><img alt="vert_inside.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/9c55e11914731a601e29a80701726b156e6e5a19b57b7f64d94eb7277eae78bd-vert_inside.png" />
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Assignee reset
My preference is the vertical card. The interior text may need to have the word "Regards" shifted in order to give JB enough room to sign.
I am liking the other generic designs for use in a more general card though.
@bex I printed it out and the size seems ok to me as is. I left it on your desk, so you can see for yourself. If it's ok, I can prep the card for print.
I'd like to hear from some of @jibecfed @jonatoni @pravins
I we speak about the last two images, I love it! Thank you!
My preference is the vertical card. The interior text may need to have the word "Regards" shifted in order to give JB enough room to sign. I am liking the other generic designs for use in a more general card though.
+1, I think the vertical card looks better thanks @mleonova :)
+1 for Vertical, in fact for flock book also we did same.
Last 2 cards are awesome and i am sure members will treat it also one of the swag
Thanks @mleonova :)
Thanks all for your feedback! I'll figure out print requirements with help of @kjandova and prep it for print.
we may add a little date somewhere. "2017 - for contribution of Fedora 25"
Where would you want this?
If you'd like to add that, I suggest the back of the card. <img alt="fedora_translation_postcard_4-1.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/dacce034ac182c5621da8a3cf1f43c81565417a97320b5b233bf95c65a08730f-fedora_translation_postcard_4-1.png" />
wherever you like, gifted friends ❣️
@jibecfed @jonatoni @pravins @bex please confirm that you are happy with the mockup (or if you'd like to fix something) and I'll prep it for print.
@mleonova can we remove the 2017 from the back. I believe that these contributions are from 2016. I don't want to hold this card up on that confirmation, so if we don't have it by tomorrow morning let's print without a year please.
Yep, the contributions are from 2016, but we can print it even without the year.
Anything to make the design usable for a longer time makes sense so if there are extras they can be used and not wasted.
This is also why a more generic fedora card makes the most sense to me.
(eg do a generic fedora card + a situation specific sticker)
Anything to make the design usable for a longer time makes sense so if there are extras they can be used and not wasted. This is also why a more generic fedora card makes the most sense to me.
Actually a ticket I have in my queue to open is to create a generic card. Given other factors, such as the time crunch, I'd prefer to do a specific card here and move to a generic format for some other things.
I think it makes sense to print specific cards in some situations.
it really depends on the quantity being printed and the print quality. you can get a much better quality print for cheaper if you go for a larger quantity, and more general designs make that less expensive and wasteful. i worry about going cheap charlie on small quantity one time things, having excess wasted, and having us come off as cheap. but those are two extremes.
I am not aware of us going "cheap charlie" on small print runs. This is not what we believe we have quoted for this one. Quality is a huge concern of all involved.
I agree that printing larger quantities is cheaper per unit at high quality, but using this card as an example, I believe it is not appropriate to ask anyone to write that text 75 times. Nor do I think a sticker in the card with that text on it would look good.
That's funny because in just another ticket in this queue you remarked about the cheap, uncut sticker runs that have been made with Fedora assets. I explicitly stated I was talking about extremes, and the context was specifically pricing. No accusations.
I completely agree that having to write a large block of text 75 times is unreasonable. On the other hand, the point I was trying to make, is that it also wouldn't make sense to make such a situation-specific, time-limited card with a letterpress embossed design on 100lb cover paper.
My larger point is there is little transparency on the ordering process / vendor being used here, and that makes it difficult for these kinds of calls to be made by the design team.
<img alt="fedora_translation_postcard_outls1.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/734371f2e8da3c30487d2a8ddd733e3aea36985369fa9271545cff1eafe8a647-fedora_translation_postcard_outls1.svg" /><img alt="fedora_translation_postcard_outls2.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/a556b666ba98add1e551be6f75955885cae05217a32a1c8b4723e33e38974886-fedora_translation_postcard_outls2.svg" />
dear friends, is it printed yet? ...
Metadata Update from @duffy: - Issue tagged with: triaged
closing ticket as the design work is done, please feel free to reopen if needed.
Metadata Update from @duffy: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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