#584 Fedora Podcast Web Design
Closed: Fixed 5 years ago by duffy. Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.


The Fedora Podcast is part of a Marketing team strategy to reach more people. Right now is being pushed through the Fedora Magazine, but it's also being stored in x3mboy fp.o. This site is using the docs' theme/template, but we like to give it a more proper presentation for a podcast website.


Other podcast have relevant and better designed websites that gain attraction from people.


I don't have any specific recpmmendation but some examples (ordered from great designs to poor designs):

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Invalid
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @x3mboy:
- Issue status updated to: Open (was: Closed)

6 years ago

I want to reopen this, because I need a website design, while I work with websites to put everything in order.

Hi @x3mboy, is this something you're stlil interested in? (Sorry that we haven't had time to work on it up to this point.)

Yes, I'm still super interested. I have fedora-websites#794 open also. And I have no idea if I need to open an infrastructure issue too.

Thanks for taking this.

you should start analyzing the problem first. As robyduck in https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/794 stated, with a static page you cant deal here. For iTunes & Co. you need at least a feed. But that is only half of the problem, most forget one thing it becomes an archive which is hard searchable. So you should sit down and think how to organize your archive (I know what I talking of I just went to RadioTux and searched Paul Frields, 10 results, some had nothing to do with him but the interview I was searching for was not found) ID3 is not enough. So when you have all this, I mean a clear knowledge what you need, the people can help you. If you need help with figuring this out, is no problem I am sure of all stakeholder are willing to sit down with you and figuring it out. As said above already the look, is not the most important

I already have clearly what I need, so please ask before making assumptions. For the website I need:

  • Header: The header should have the subscriptions to the feeds: Simplecast, iTunes, Spotify and Google Play.
  • News feed: Being able to publish every new episode with a little description.
  • Storage: I need storage to provide people an alternative way to download the episodes (ATM I'm storaging the files on my fedorapeople.org)

@x3mboy for this ticket, just to be clear: you are just looking for a basic website mockup (including logo) for the podcast website, correct?

As the design team, we're not able to provide storage, and the specific header you're talking about is probably best handled by websites but we can include those requirements in any mockup we do along with the news feed.

@duffy Yes, I'm looking for a mockup. Everything else is being treated in the websites' team's Pagure.

@x3mboy ok cool. to better understand what features the mockup should have i think @gnokii s suggestion of a little bit of upfront analysis is on target. What do you think about this as a general framework (looking at the excellent example site list you provided):

  • subscription buttons: which services (itunes, castbox, spotify, etc) if any are you going to provide subscription buttons for? (usually subscription is main call to action)

  • host bio: can you write up a short bio of yourself and provide a headshot or avatar we can use?

  • seasons - are you going to have seasons? or just one stream? how often do eps come out?

  • embedded per episode players: most of the sites have these. are you thinking of having this too?

  • show notes: do you have show notes for past eps? (assuming maybe in fedoramag somewhere?)

  • search : will you have search?

  • newsletter: do you have this or plan to? if not, do you have a tag or category on fedora magazine we can point to?

  • calendar: do you have a calendar or schedule to share with listeners? or an upcoming guests section?

  • volunteer call to action: are you looking to inspire others to help contribute to the podcast?

  • placement: the LAS and jupiter page made me think, do you want this to ve a standalone site or should we integrate it? eg what if it was a part of the fedora magazine site? or some other fedora property? it could help drive traffic back and forth if it was part of smtg larger (in the same way different podcasts come together in a network like jupiter.)

It's a lot of q's but I think important to think through. What do you think?

Answering your questions:

subscription buttons: which services (itunes, castbox, spotify, etc) if any are you going to provide subscription buttons for? (usually subscription is main call to action)

Yes, I'm providing 3 main services:
- SimpleCast: who provides the RSS feed
- iTunes
- Google Play
- Spotify
- Stitcher

Also SoundCloud is providing a good streaming (that don't require downloading the file) with their embeded player.

host bio: can you write up a short bio of yourself and provide a headshot or avatar we can use?

I normally say: It's just me. But if you want a proper bio:
Eduard Lucena is part of the Marketing team of the Fedora Project, he is also a Latam Ambassador. He is using Linux since 2004 and is part of the Fedora Community since 2016, helping some of the non-technical parts, like Join and Mindshare. He's an IT Engineer working as Unix Support in a large retail company.

seasons - are you going to have seasons? or just one stream? how often do eps come out?

Kind of. I mean, the main answer is "No", but now I'm on a pause that have been for 2 months, but I laready have 6 recorded episodes (including yours) and 2 more planned, so we can split it in: Starting and continuing seasons.

embedded per episode players: most of the sites have these. are you thinking of having this too?

I've used the SoundCloud one in the Fedora Magazine and also the SimpleCast one (this was an experiment, but the player is good)

show notes: do you have show notes for past eps? (assuming maybe in fedoramag somewhere?)

Each episode have a brief, that is described in both in the magazine and in the episode description in my site where I was "hosting" the podcast.

search : will you have search?


newsletter: do you have this or plan to? if not, do you have a tag or category on fedora magazine we can point to?

No plan for this. In the magazine the where tagged (not categorized) as podcast

calendar: do you have a calendar or schedule to share with listeners? or an upcoming guests section?

No, I tried it in the beggining, but I have people available some times, and other don't so I have like a list of possibles, but not a proper calendar.

volunteer call to action: are you looking to inspire others to help contribute to the podcast?

Not at the moment.

placement: the LAS and jupiter page made me think, do you want this to ve a standalone site or should we integrate it? eg what if it was a part of the fedora magazine site? or some other fedora property? it could help drive traffic back and forth if it was part of smtg larger (in the same way different podcasts come together in a network like jupiter.)

I think this could be planned in the future. At the moment a standalone site is the plan. Even using the docs' infra, the site will be apart of the main docs' site.

It's a lot of q's but I think important to think through. What do you think?

If you need more answers, just ask ;-)

@x3mboy awesome, great answers and thanks for the info.

I think this is most of what we need at this point. My one conceern is that I think docs.fpo is an odd home for this and I don't think that makes sense either for the podcast or folks looking for docs.

Is there a way to delist it from the docs,fpo front pagw @bex?

I think the consensus now is to put it in the websites repo and wore it up as a separate site. I’d suggested docs.fp.o as it may have required fewer resources to spin up.

That said, for future reference, it is possibly to leave a site unlinked unless you know the url.

We have the infra part ready, they will provide podcast.fedoraproject.org
That can be used as link's base

Is there any update on this?

@x3mboy not yet, our load is high and available designers low :(

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue tagged with: newbie, triaged

5 years ago

@duffy I know :( I will be looking at this, hopefully you will have some time after F29 Release

Hi, It's me again asking about this. Also I forgot to point out that the Podcast have a logo and kind of a background that was worked on #577

I want to be realistic. Is it possible to get this done this year? I would love to re launch the podcast in January...

Hi @x3mboy I'm starting to work on this ticket and I'll try to get it done as soon as possible.

@terezahl Great! Thanks a lot! I know you will do a great job!

Feedback from the meeting:

  • everyone loves it so far :)
  • do full buttons for the subscriptions. use the following services for subscription buttons:
  • itunes / apple
  • spotify
  • google
  • soundcloud
  • rss (it will use the simplecast URL)

  • we could use photos of the interviewees for the episode tiles, maybe put some sample photos in there as placeholders

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue assigned to terezahl

5 years ago

Each episode listed in the Magazine (That are all in existence), have a picture of the interviewee (not the Feature Image of the articles):

Except @mattdm that I'm pretty sure have nothing against sharing a picture of allowing us to use the one on docs:

@x3mboy Yes, feel free to use that image.

I just figure it out, I was talking about the new episodes like "Season 2". I know I said before that I don't have like seasons, but it makes sense to have like a separation of the firsts 5 episodes and the new ones that I'm expecting to upload after the website is ready...

@terezahl do you think is possible to have an update before Christmas (December 24th)? I know is hard to have work done during holidays, but we are planning the relaunch and it would be awesome to have it in early January.

I don't want to deter anyone from a current plan of action if they're already underway. But I wonder why we don't just spin up a fedorainfracloud VM such as we use for Magazine or CommunityBlog, and then use WordPress + a podcasting plugin. A subdomain (or whatever) could be assigned to it when ready.

@x3mboy mentions my Practical Bass site above, and that's what I use. I was able to stand up my own site in just a few hours' time, and I'm no web expert or programmer. The designs done above could be adapated into a theme, I would think -- or use something mostly baked already like the theme we use for Fedora Magazine or CommunityBlog.

Again, I don't want to make anyone hit the reset button here. But it sounds like very few people have time to work on a brand new website, and it doesn't seem like a good use of time to write a specialized web engine for something already done in FOSS software. Is this idea at all of interest?

@pfrields actually that part goes in the website's ticket. Here we are just looking for the visual look. I also consider that a WordPress instance implemented in any way would work.

Your comment is awesome but it will be a better fit to fedora-websites#794

I will link it there.

Thanks for your thoughts

@duffy @x3mboy here's an uploaded version of the design. I changed the subscription buttons and added photos of the interviewees for the episodes tiles and 'Season 1', 'Season 2' buttons.

Also I have a quick question. Shouldn't there be 'About the podcast' info? I know there's @x3mboy bio, but maybe adding some info about the podcast itself would be nice as well?

Let me know what you think.


It looks great!

Also, it will be nice to have an about.

It sould be something like:

The marketing of the Fedora Project take the inititative to create a way to people to know and understand how the Project works. The Fedora Podcast is a serie of interviews with the people that make this Project awesome. Welcome to our project!

What do you think @bt0dotninja ?

@x3mboy ,
I love the design, an strong +1,

About the "About the Marketing (Execution) Team" i have another +1. it's very simple and clear for me.

It sould be something like:
The marketing of the Fedora Project take the inititative to create a way to people to know and understand how the Project works. The Fedora Podcast is a serie of interviews with the people that make this Project awesome. Welcome to our project!

@x3mboy @bt0dotninja it seems you're quite happy with the design, should we close this ticket as resolved and the work will proceed in the websites ticket?

Yes, we need to move on

Awesome. Fabulous work @terezahl, as always!!

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

Hi, @terezahl

First of all, thanks for your awesome job. I'm really happy about the design you did.

I'm writting this because I will need like a css file that can be applied to the site, if this make sense to you.

@duffy is this something that I should be asking here?

While this website is really great, there are a few things that could be improved. The webstite doesn't scale well to large(hi-dpi) or small screens, and the custom positioning makes things float around in a way they should. I'll include a picture to show this.

In addition to that, it would be useful to have an integrated contact form and 'recent episode' player. I already added the recent episode player, but I am no designer, and don't know if there are better, more useful places to position. We do have a nice managed website from our podcast hosting provider, but I think @x3mboy wants to hang on to this one. Thank you all for your help!

P.S. I'm saying all this because I'm the new producer for Fedora Podcast.

Could we get this opened?

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