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Per conversation with @mleonova we'd like to do a two badge "flip book" for each attendee. The two badges will have the name on one side and information on the other. The badges are details below.
The interior can be typesetting level design work. The front of both badges where the names are should express Fedora, Flock, Dresden, Germany, and dates (August 8-11, 2018 or just 2018).
These should be simple unless we have cycles for more effort.
Vendor identification is in progress with @mleonova 's help
Starting Specs from: http://hunpress.com/2017/11/08/konferenciakra-es-rendezvenyekre/ 75mm x 105mm
Space for name and other details, approximately 2 inches high and the width of the badge
Code of Conduct The Fedora community is made up of a mixture of professionals and volunteers from all over the world, working on every aspect of the distribution from coding through to marketing. Diversity is one of our huge strengths, but it can also lead to communication issues and unhappiness. To that end, we have a few ground rules that we ask people to adhere to when they’re using project resources.
This isn’t an exhaustive list of things that you can’t do. Rather, take it in the spirit in which it’s intended - a guide to make it easier to be excellent to each other.
Be considerate. Your work will be used by other people, and you in turn will depend on the work of others. Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions.
Be respectful. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. Members of the Fedora community should be respectful when dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside the Fedora community and with users of Fedora.
When we disagree, we try to understand why. Disagreements, both social and technical, happen all the time and Fedora is no exception. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively.
Remember that we’re different. The strength of Fedora comes from its varied community, people from a wide range of backgrounds. Different people have different perspectives on issues. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. Don’t forget that it is human to err and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere, rather offer to help resolving issues and to help learn from mistakes.
Back: * Need Help * For emergencies, dial 112 * For help from the flock-staff (including Code of Conduct) please visit the registration desk and ask for Brian Exelbierd (+1-919-414-8915 or +420-606-055-877 or @bexelbie) or Jennier Madraga (+1-919-402-7952 or @jenmadriaga) or SMS or call them. They can also be found on Telegram using the @names mentioned. * Keep In Touch IRC: #fedora-flock Telegram: https://t.me/flocktofedora * Social Network Hashtags - Please tag or mention as appropriate Twitter: @fedora facebook.com/TheFedoraProject gplus.to/fedoraproject #FlockToFedora * WIFI Access Network: Password: * Creative Commons License and design credits
Update: Received a quote from teh Hungarian vendor (used by Write the Docs). They are well within budget @ $220
Size: 75x105 mm
color: 4+4
material: 300 g paper
other: cutted, 1x drilled (hole for the clip), matt laminated, rounded on the corners
I am trying to get design specs.
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Issue assigned to mleonova
@bex please review the Code of Conduct text - the amount you have pasted in right now will have to be printed in 6pt size with 0.4 spacing to fit on the badge. For readability I'd recommend to cut about half of the text.
@mleonova is is possible to get it onto the two sides, if we move the following details to the name side of the "second card"?
Back: Keep In Touch IRC: #fedora-flock Telegram: https://t.me/flocktofedora Social Network Hashtags - Please tag or mention as appropriate Twitter: @fedora facebook.com/TheFedoraProject gplus.to/fedoraproject
@bex how about we dedicate 1 card to the code of conduct (back and front) and another one will be personal info on one side and emergency info and such on the other? or, or - could we do 1 more card? All the contact info is, frankly, a bit too much, too, to be put in comfortably on 75x105 mm. Do we have budget for that?
Could we do a single card that had the card 2 back information and hte names on both side. Basically everything above without hte CoC on a single card that had someone's name on both sides (in case of badge flips)?
Then we could just print hte CoC to paper and distribute it.
@bex cool, will do
I'm uploading a WIP svg here, so I have access to it from anywhere:
<img alt="2018-7-badge-front1.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/96d7f7e8217ea3a0fd79db60a454f8e69c4ce4be9bf596fd80156b6980a05628-2018-7-badge-front1.svg" />
The latest version - we're still missing some info (wifi details, schedule URL) <img alt="2018-7-flock-badge.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/f4af009122b110d68b675ebda36bb5066df27da6767dbc6d68ff365fa438ade9-2018-7-flock-badge.png" /><img alt="2018-7-flock-badge.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/960de4b4179777970bc89f29746de6e62db0debc3f26660f42bfc619003cc89d-2018-7-flock-badge.svg" />
Version with just 1 card: <img alt="rect2098.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/621a91b83df450bad3b3acff564ffc0ff6624336b109e1220da5e0f45a9774ed-rect2098.png" />
If we go with 2 holes, will the second hole be through the fedora logo?
Also, can it read "IN AN EMERGENCY, CALL 112"
Let's decide on the hole amount right now and adjust accordingly? Yes, it can :)
<img alt="rect2098-2.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/13d51999bc21fe1866b20690e2686367942c25e96d28363c7abe0d9da76e1e5d-rect2098-2.png" />
Let's decide on the hole amount right now and adjust accordingly?
If the name is only one side, let's go with 2 holes.
ok! <img alt="2018-7-flock-badge-1card.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/71aa7603f366252600ff635c084ad6c1e0d29668725d3997e027bbef68015983-2018-7-flock-badge-1card.svg" /><img alt="2018-7-flock-badge-1card-2h.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/b30a0526dffe364d48956d20b21e58c791c1048e39501d7351dfee4d4c8fb3ee-2018-7-flock-badge-1card-2h.png" />
Print-ready pdf files:
<img alt="flock-2018-badge-back.pdf" src="/design/issue/raw/files/c3d82b7542baf671ca6aff4504270148fdba1cd89076a6058c5aef81a8f1deb1-flock-2018-badge-back.pdf" /><img alt="flock-2018-badge-front.pdf" src="/design/issue/raw/files/16d4552a33500a17d2ca742de0a4cfe94a858d97c0158801e1201aeeeb2627c1-flock-2018-badge-front.pdf" />
.sla files:
<img alt="flock-2018-badge-back.sla" src="/design/issue/raw/files/1f5bfdf13e7cc1f8a055d48f4ad7a143f136109646f78d6fe974db5470aa1d8e-flock-2018-badge-back.sla" /><img alt="flock-2018-badge-front.sla" src="/design/issue/raw/files/c3bf7ef71794d9eed0178f2621847051feea3b4df3a6cfe3eec8067675be52a8-flock-2018-badge-front.sla" />
svg sources:
<img alt="2018-7-flock-badge-back-OUTL.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/74966476a2ea45f8201ff15a44a2dbacbac9d2fbbc953076c18cee458c82f120-2018-7-flock-badge-back-OUTL.svg" /><img alt="2018-7-flock-badge-front-OUTL.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/bb4315f6e04a9539ab9dabbe40dc9ae2d2c7d6a0221162931ff5d118535b6923-2018-7-flock-badge-front-OUTL.svg" />
can we close this one out? (doing triage)
@duffy yes, I think this is done
Metadata Update from @mleonova: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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