#641 Infographics for marketing: Update Steps
Closed: Fixed 4 years ago by duffy. Opened 5 years ago by x3mboy.


In the Marketing team, we want to launch a series of infographics, as we stated in design#614. The first one is great, and we want to continue with the idea.


Explained above


This is the idea:

Upgrading Fedora Workstation to the newest release

Soon after release time, a notification appears to tell you an upgrade is available.
There are several ways to accomplish this: Using Gnome Software, or using the CLI

Using Gnome Software

  • Choose the Updates tab in GNOME Software (that can be launch by click the notification about the new version) and you should see a screen informing you that Fedora 30 is Now Available.
  • Choose Download to fetch the upgrade packages. You can continue working while the download is being done.
  • Use GNOME Software to restart your system and apply the upgrade

Using the Command Line

This can be done with 4 simple steps:

Update your system:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh

Install the dnf Upgrade plugin

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade

Download the packages

sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=$((`lsb_release -rs` + 1))

Restart your system

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

Just remember, backup your system[1] before upgrading and visit the most common issueg when upgrading [2]

[1] https://fedoramagazine.org/taking-smart-backups-duplicity/
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DNF_system_upgrade#Resolving_post-upgrade_issues

Credits to the Fedora Magazine

I really love the fonts/typography and the structure. I only have 2 comments:

  1. Commands should be on a monospaced font/typography
  2. It lacks of any logo or visual identity.

For the rest, it looks awesome to me.

@bt0dotninja wdyt?

@tatica thatnks so much for taking the time to work on it.

I'm +1 for this design, I will also love if we add one or more references to the design team

@tatica I have comments on the comfortaa & branding that apply here as well: https://pagure.io/design/issue/647#comment-575295

There is a little extra vertical space for GNOME software, I wonder if it's worth having a screenshot?

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue assigned to tatica
- Issue tagged with: triaged

5 years ago

There is a little extra vertical space for GNOME software, I wonder if it's worth having a screenshot?

@duffy I thought that very much, but I'm not sure about it, the screenshots on this part are a empty windows with a little information about the download progress. Even the Magazine article doesn't have that screenshot.

@x3mboy of particular use, though, would be a screenshot showing the "Fedora 30 is now available" banner in the software app, right?

@duffy, Yes, that's the only one

@x3mboy that's all i was suggesting!

New tweaks:

Header Logo replaced (marketing -> Fedora)
Added splash on empty space
Footer font changed (Comfortaa -> montserrat)


Well, at this level of details is really up to you, Design Team. I'm super excited, because it looks awesome for me.

@bt0dotninja WDYT?

@duffy Could this fit as "standard footer and header"?

@tatica this looks almost perfect, i'd just modify the line background you have so the lines aren't competing with the fedora logo in the upper left, it would probably be better to have a plain white bg behind the logo.

Oki! No background looks better. Even fading it to 5% still shows up and rearrange lines for each infographic will turn into chaos.


It looks awesome to me. Should you close this as complete?

+1 to close as completed
Awesome work @tatica

@tatica fantastic work, closing as fixed!

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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