#741 Color recommendations for interfaces (i3 SIG related issue)
Opened 3 years ago by x3mboy. Modified 2 years ago


Default configurations usually are not too appealing or can be improved to make a more "fedorian" style. Color palette falls short for recommendations to apply in theming apps and interfaces.


There are several applications that can be customized in terms of colors. We, the i3 SIG, would like to recommend several customizations to add, but having the palette is not enough, since we aren't experts in UI/UX.


We have some sites that allow us to generate configs:

  1. https://terminal.sexy/ - Works for several terminal config, specifically with .Xresources based terminals
  2. https://thomashunter.name/i3-configurator/ - Works with i3wm and dmenu (the main menu shipped with i3)

What I'm asking for is not a custom config specifically but more a guide on how and where to use some colors (and if possible fontface), e.g.: for "urgent" or "critical" config use #db3279

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue tagged with: triaged

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue assigned to duffy

3 years ago

Let me know what you think @x3mboy



# class                 border  bground text    indicator child_border
client.focused          #83CAFA #51A2DA #FFFFFF #83CAFA   #51A2DA
client.focused_inactive #8C8C8C #4C4C4C #FFFFFF #4C4C4C   #8C8C8C
client.unfocused        #4C4C4C #222222 #888888 #292D2E   #222222
client.urgent           #EC69A0 #DB3279 #FFFFFF #DB3279   #DB3279
client.placeholder      #000000 #0C0C0C #FFFFFF #000000   #0C0C0C

client.background       #FFFFFF

bar {
  colors {
    background #000000
    statusline #FFFFFF
    separator  #666666

    focused_workspace  #83CAFA #51A2DA #FFFFFF
    active_workspace   #3C6EB4 #294172 #FFFFFF
    inactive_workspace #8C8C8C #4C4C4C #888888
    urgent_workspace   #EC69A0 #DB3279 #FFFFFF
    binding_mode       #b691d3 #A07CBC #FFFFFF

bindsym $mod+d exec "dmenu_run -nf '#BBBBBB' -nb '#222222' -sb '#005577' -sf '#EEEEEE' -fn 'monospace-10' -p 'dmenu prompt >'"


general {
  output_format = "i3bar"
  colors = true
  color_good = "#79DB32"
  color_degraded = "#E59728"
  color_bad = "#DB3279"

@x3mboy let me know if this works and we can close the ticket!

@duffy I'm discussing it with the team, but it looks pretty to me

I've applied the colors on my box and will give them a try for a few days. I quite like them, but I find the light blue of a focused window to be a bit suboptimal (it feels somehow "washed out", not sure how to describe it).

I'll see how I find them after a few days. My nagging asside: great job @duffy and thanks for creating this color set!

It looks nice. I will try to apply the colors to the urxvt terminal.

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