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I am working with several different projects that could use a modern & up to date "How to Join the Fedora Project" infographic. This infographic would (minimally) benefit the following:
Community Outreach Revamp Any Conference presence in the future Diversity & Inclusion Team Join SIG For any contributor to distribute in their LUGs, online communities, at work, etc
The reasonings behind this infographic are numerous!
I imagine there have been versions of this made in the past, or variations thereof? It would be great if folks who are aware of these versions were to share a link or image on the ticket so we can get an idea of the history of this topic of design for Fedora.
It would be helpful to incorporate the following while creating the design: - format that is easily printable - includes new logo - translated versions once the design has been finalized - rgb & cmyk final outputs
If there are Outreachy applicants who work on this I have a few further recommendations: Do research on modern infographic designs Remember to keep it simple, use the minimum to get concepts across Take a look at Fedora's aesthetic and try to align your design, examples: - https://badges.fedoraproject.org/explore - https://pagure.io/design/issue/685 - https://pagure.io/design/issue/713#comment-717834 - https://twitter.com/mairin/status/1374009754297757697/photo/1 - https://twitter.com/rie_cat/status/1336650543910051848/photo/1 - https://twitter.com/rie_cat/status/1324477760321060865/photo/1
I wanted to confirm that this isn't limited to how to join fedora design team right? The infographics needs to cover all verticals?
@yavnikaa this is going to be a generic overall how to join fedora, and a great place to gather that info would be https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/ It is not specific to the design team, but it is also not specific to any team in general. It should be used as a path for new contributors to connect with the Join SIG so they can help guide them further to those teams. Does that help?
Alright, I am on it :))
I went through all the resources you've shared. Keeping this in mind, I think we can even include a QR code leading us to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join . Also, in addition to mentioning our feats and various programmes, conference, we should stress on diversity-inclusion and how everyone is welcomed. Like people do not necessarily need to be developers or designers to contribute to Fedora, but they can still be a part of the community as maybe translators or content writers. Is this direction right @riecatnor ?
Hi @yavnikaa we want to keep this focused solely on joining Fedora versus telling informing people what Fedora is- that we can do in other graphics. Think more along the lines of this for a structure:
I think we also want to show off the different types of ways you can contribute, as you mentioned :)
Sounds good! I'll post a rough draft soon :))
I think an infographic is one of the challenging areas of graphic designing and I would love to do my part in contribution to this issue. So, after reading the discussion over here, I have some points I’d like to share with you.
@yavnikaa your point; “people do not necessarily need to be developers or designers to contribute to Fedora, but they can still be a part of the community as maybe translators or content writers.” , I find it very useful because many people still believe that contributing to an open-source implies you have to be good at coding & scripting, the skills not all people know. So, I guess, this adds an extra piece of information to our visual.
But before working on the wireframes, @riecatnor there are a few questions I have;
1) Who are our target audience exactly and where will this visual be shown?
2) How important is it to show off the different types of ways you can contribute in this infographic when; a) One can discover it after joining itself, b) There could be another infographic for this purpose, and most importantly, c) The audience unaware of the field they could contribute to, wouldn’t even bother about joining.
3) Are we talking about short-term traffic boost or longer span of utility?
I would love to know your insights here. Thankyou 😊
<img alt="draft1.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/caacdeb6a41cff4069917370a8ed234f535796de97f6cbca410ffaac77e058b5-draft1.png" />
Here is my progress. I have explained the steps on how to join as of now. I don't like the way I've put the links. Can we put QR codes or use link tools to shorten the url?
In the lower half of the infographic, we can represent the different groups contributing to fedora : designers, developers, translators, content writers, etc
@sunidhikashyap let's work on this together and let's connect on Telegram for the same.
@riecatnor any feedback or suggestions on the present WIP?
PS- Sorry for the bad-quality export.
Hi @sunidhikashyap - thanks for your comment. I think I need to clarify that the outcome for this task is a static PDF/JPG/PNG, not a web page. It should be made using vector graphics and exported. You can find info about what/why/recommendations in the ticket. To try to sum it up this is for total newcomers to Fedora and will be displayed in a variety of spaces, universities, work places, local user groups, online, social media, etc.
Hi @yavnikaa nice first draft! I have a few recommendations for your next draft: - I love the colors in the background, but if we want to design this for folks to print at home, a full page of gradient color is not practical. I think we should use a white background for this design. We could still include blocks of color within the design :) this combination is very pleasing. - Right now the design elements are blending together, as you have a medium background, some shapes of slightly darker color, and then black graphics. The design needs more contrast, though I think removing the gradient background will help with this straight away. - Can I ask did you build the graphic elements yourself or import them from somewhere else? Please provide a source if it is from somewhere else. - Right now the graphic elements are very close to the left and right hand side. The design should be adjusted to give some space between the edge and the graphic elements. Maybe make it a group of 4 squares instead of a line- does that make sense? - The bottom should definitely include the different groups :) let's go with this for now: Infrastructure, Quality Assurance, Websites & Apps, Design & Marketing, Community Outreach, Documentation, Translation, Diversity & Inclusion
This seems like enough to get started on. Looking forward to your next draft!
Hi @yavnikaa. That sounds great! Let's do that.
@riecatnor Thanks for the clarification. I'll get to work and post my first draft as soon as I can :)
Hi @yavnikaa nice first draft! I have a few recommendations for your next draft: - I love the colors in the background, but if we want to design this for folks to print at home, a full page of gradient color is not practical. I think we should use a white background for this design. We could still include blocks of color within the design :) this combination is very pleasing. - Right now the design elements are blending together, as you have a medium background, some shapes of slightly darker color, and then black graphics. The design needs more contrast, though I think removing the gradient background will help with this straight away.
I am so sorry @riecatnor that I didn't consider the fact that we are designing for print media. I'll rework the gradients and contrast :))
Can I ask did you build the graphic elements yourself or import them from somewhere else? Please provide a source if it is from somewhere else.
I designed all these icons by myself ^.^
Right now the graphic elements are very close to the left and right hand side. The design should be adjusted to give some space between the edge and the graphic elements. Maybe make it a group of 4 squares instead of a line- does that make sense?
Cool. I'll improve on the layout!
The bottom should definitely include the different groups :) let's go with this for now: Infrastructure, Quality Assurance, Websites & Apps, Design & Marketing, Community Outreach, Documentation, Translation, Diversity & Inclusion This seems like enough to get started on. Looking forward to your next draft!
Alrighty! Thankyou so much.
Apart from this, any feedback on how to show links? And @sunidhikashyap and I have contacted on Telegram. We are working on our first drafts separately and will combine a final draft with your feedback picking up the good elements from the two. Hope that's cool!
Hi @yavnikaa - Links are going to be tricky- I think QR codes are suitable for a print copy. I think providing a link with a post or call to action in virtual places is suitable for digital copies. (I can't imagine taking out my phone to take a pic of my laptop :)) We could also create a clickable PDF in a permanent place-> perhaps the Join Docs page?
I am wondering if we need two versions of this. A version for print, and a version for digital. If we did it that way, we would have less restrictions design wise for the digital version as well.
I like the idea of creating two versions- for print and digital media separately, if that's fine with you :))
<img alt="infographic_fedora.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/bec53890b26a66d286a9f78a9f93efabf1d955aedcfdc8c0d8ffb09401ca9d78-infographic_fedora.png" />
Here is the iteration keeping in mind that it is going to be print on an A4 sheet. The text is dummy and improved on the contrast factor.
Added the steps and different profiles in an easy to analyse way. Added one QR code in the end, so that users don't get confused with many links together. After creating a FAS account, one can easily find the other links to join social platforms online, so that won't be a problem I guess.
How is it? Looking forward to feedback :))
@riecatnor Hi, May I contribute to this project?
Hi @josh_y absolutely!
We hope you do!
@riecatnor Hello, this is a first draft idea that I came up with, I used the color scheme used in the Fedora Women's Day 2020 design referenced in the project's description. The font I chose was Helvetica Normal, and for now I used some placeholder text to see how the descriptions on each tab would look like. I also implemented the logo for Fedora from the 2020 designed I mentioned that I referenced earlier. Tell me what you think. <img alt="Fedora-Projects-OUTREACHY-01.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/a0acbc01fe801725224ae43128d05ca8c10c9713ca3ea5f6f3df14b872c908ed-Fedora-Projects-OUTREACHY-01.png" />
Hello! I loved the drafts posted here. Finally, I finished mine and would love your suggestions here. This one is for print and I kept it rather simple.
For the color-palette and font I followed Fedora’s guidelines below; https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Logo/UsageGuidelines#Permitted_logo_variants
All the graphic elements in this draft have been created by me using adobe illustrator. Although the elements for the Community Operations section are yet to be made, of-course after your feedback on this one.
My Approach for this draft: 1) I tried different configurations through wireframes and decided upon the one below.
2) My focus was to attract new-comers to actually notice how easy it is to get into Fedora. Hence, I included colors, icons and big bold numbers to emphasize that.
3) Listing 9 fields in tabular form seemed a bit tedious from a reader’s point of view. So, I thought representing them in a circular graph.
I have yet to come up with more refreshing and modern designs for this infographic. Before I move further, @riecatnor I would love to know your suggestions on this. Thanks!
Colors used: Fedora Blue Fedora Dark Blue Freedom Purple First Green Friends Magenta
Font : Montserrat
P.S. : What dimensions must we follow here? I don't know yet so I made this one in common printing paper dimensions, 297mm x 420mm.
<img alt="wireframe.jpeg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/6530b0271d59b2506a456e71c91b6af46ce5ff4709917ba0082b4f3c22e82f9a-wireframe.jpeg" /> <img alt="draft_1.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/249c8b92ad505db6daf1a8b72e5b84e3cdf737a412953a076d92a682b9e8592e-draft_1.jpg" />
Hi @yavnikaa nice first draft! I have a few recommendations for your next draft: - I love the colors in the background, but if we want to design this for folks to print at home, a full page of gradient color is not practical. I think we should use a white background for this design. We could still include blocks of color within the design :) this combination is very pleasing. - Right now the design elements are blending together, as you have a medium background, some shapes of slightly darker color, and then black graphics. The design needs more contrast, though I think removing the gradient background will help with this straight away. I am so sorry @riecatnor that I didn't consider the fact that we are designing for print media. I'll rework the gradients and contrast :)) Can I ask did you build the graphic elements yourself or import them from somewhere else? Please provide a source if it is from somewhere else. I designed all these icons by myself ^.^ Right now the graphic elements are very close to the left and right hand side. The design should be adjusted to give some space between the edge and the graphic elements. Maybe make it a group of 4 squares instead of a line- does that make sense? Cool. I'll improve on the layout! The bottom should definitely include the different groups :) let's go with this for now: Infrastructure, Quality Assurance, Websites & Apps, Design & Marketing, Community Outreach, Documentation, Translation, Diversity & Inclusion This seems like enough to get started on. Looking forward to your next draft! Alrighty! Thankyou so much. Apart from this, any feedback on how to show links? And @sunidhikashyap and I have contacted on Telegram. We are working on our first drafts separately and will combine a final draft with your feedback picking up the good elements from the two. Hope that's cool!
I'm sorry but there was some confusion here. These graphic elements have been taken from 'The Noun Project' and then customised to match the composition of the poster. I have added the source and citation here for all the graphic elements : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RIK3umQHogBZGrEe4RLmiW0WQ8nuwnY4XhTKFadLizY/edit?usp=sharing
The human figures used within the strip were taken from a diversity fedora graphic sent to me by @duffy for a separate ticket. I hope it's not a problem to reuse these characters here!
Looking forward to feedback on the current iteration. Thankyouuu
Hello designers! I will provide reviews for each draft below. A lot of the information is applicable to any design that will be made for this task.. using approved colors, logos, typefaces, etc. There is an opportunity to make a version for print using an A4 format and a version for web, this is more open ended.
@yavnikaa this is a great improvement from your first draft! I have a couple thoughts to help you move forward with the design. - I think we need to think about the limitations of printing on A4 a bit further. The printing area of a sheet of paper A4 is 170 x 247 mm, so you should set yourself up a template like the one below in your design workspace. The area around the outside should be entirely white as we know folks will most often have access to plain white printer paper. For example the grey bar you have in the middle will need to be shortened width wise. <img alt="A4-sheet-print-surface.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/a9c6e3ada93ba96c68862e834d16cb7f07ee0bd76caeb2461bc480f9cf1e1451-A4-sheet-print-surface.jpg" /> - I think it would be nice to use the full Fedora logo at the top somewhere and then include a title like "How to join Fedora" and then a subtitle "In four easy steps!" - I see you are using placeholder text, this is good for now. I will grab some folks to work on this/give input. - As for the icons, I am not sure how this license will work out with this output. I don't know how we will provide credit for all those folks within the design or how that works exactly. I think we will need some input from @duffy on this. We may need to find icons that we can just use, or create our own - Removed the text in the left lower hand corner. We don't usually associate with Red Hat in our designs, although they provide us sponsorship, unless it is a special case. I am not sure what rights you are referring to either :) if anything we will provide a license there. For now, just omit. - Make sure to use Open Sans or Montserrat for your typeface - I think the dark purple color you are using for the icons can be the Fedora dark blue, found here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Logo/UsageGuidelines#Colors - The grey of the banner and the laptops the characters have are blending together. Maybe we can make this more colorful by using a fedora color instead of the grey for the banner? - Let's rename "Fedora Community Operations" title to "How can I contribute to Fedora?" Ok, that's a bunch of changes! Looking forward to your next draft :)
Hi @josh_y this is a great start, I love the simplicity! I have a few pieces of input to guide your next draft: - You are missing one of the steps, "Subscribe to the Mailing List" - although @yavnikaa is creating their own design, most of the info in that design will be needed. - I think it would be great to put the fedora logo somewhere less prominent and instead put a title at the top. "How to Join Fedora". We may want to use the new logo in here, @duffy will need to provide some input on that aspect. The logo could go near the title, at the bottom, etc, you can play around with that part :) - Make sure to use Open Sans or Montserrat for your typeface - The graphics in the circles could use some improvements, maybe you could grab some artwork from badges and remix that https://badges.fedoraproject.org/explore/badges - You are using shadows on the circles, maybe try drop shadow on the object holding the text as well? Looking forward to your next draft!
Hi @sunidhikashyap this is a really fun first draft! I have some recommendations for your next version: - You are missing one of the steps, "Subscribe to the Mailing List" - although @yavnikaa is creating their own design, most of the info in that design will be needed. - I like the concept for the bottom area of the design. Based on that, I think you can remove the "Fedora Community Operations" title. Use a visual element only to break up the top half and bottom half. Change the "Anyone can contribute to fedora!" to "How can I contribute to Fedora?" - The icons are really cute & simple, love them! I think the icon used for "3" could be a tad bit simpler to match the others. I am not sure what the rectangle represents, though the speech bubble def works for that concept! Maybe remove the rectangle, move the speech bubble to the other side and make it a bit bigger. - I think it would be nice to use the full Fedora logo at the top somewhere and then include a title like "How to join Fedora" and then a subtitle "In four easy steps!" - I think the two lines you have next to the title will be stronger as one line that underscores the title. Try a version like this Can't wait to see the changes!
Hello designers! I will provide reviews for each draft below. A lot of the information is applicable to any design that will be made for this task.. using approved colors, logos, typefaces, etc. There is an opportunity to make a version for print using an A4 format and a version for web, this is more open ended. @yavnikaa this is a great improvement from your first draft! I have a couple thoughts to help you move forward with the design. - I think we need to think about the limitations of printing on A4 a bit further. The printing area of a sheet of paper A4 is 170 x 247 mm, so you should set yourself up a template like the one below in your design workspace. The area around the outside should be entirely white as we know folks will most often have access to plain white printer paper. For example the grey bar you have in the middle will need to be shortened width wise. <img alt="A4-sheet-print-surface.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/a9c6e3ada93ba96c68862e834d16cb7f07ee0bd76caeb2461bc480f9cf1e1451-A4-sheet-print-surface.jpg" /> - I think it would be nice to use the full Fedora logo at the top somewhere and then include a title like "How to join Fedora" and then a subtitle "In four easy steps!" - I see you are using placeholder text, this is good for now. I will grab some folks to work on this/give input. - As for the icons, I am not sure how this license will work out with this output. I don't know how we will provide credit for all those folks within the design or how that works exactly. I think we will need some input from @duffy on this. We may need to find icons that we can just use, or create our own - Removed the text in the left lower hand corner. We don't usually associate with Red Hat in our designs, although they provide us sponsorship, unless it is a special case. I am not sure what rights you are referring to either :) if anything we will provide a license there. For now, just omit. - Make sure to use Open Sans or Montserrat for your typeface - I think the dark purple color you are using for the icons can be the Fedora dark blue, found here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Logo/UsageGuidelines#Colors - The grey of the banner and the laptops the characters have are blending together. Maybe we can make this more colorful by using a fedora color instead of the grey for the banner? - Let's rename "Fedora Community Operations" title to "How can I contribute to Fedora?" Ok, that's a bunch of changes! Looking forward to your next draft :) Hi @josh_y this is a great start, I love the simplicity! I have a few pieces of input to guide your next draft: - You are missing one of the steps, "Subscribe to the Mailing List" - although @yavnikaa is creating their own design, most of the info in that design will be needed. - I think it would be great to put the fedora logo somewhere less prominent and instead put a title at the top. "How to Join Fedora". We may want to use the new logo in here, @duffy will need to provide some input on that aspect. The logo could go near the title, at the bottom, etc, you can play around with that part :) - Make sure to use Open Sans or Montserrat for your typeface - The graphics in the circles could use some improvements, maybe you could grab some artwork from badges and remix that https://badges.fedoraproject.org/explore/badges - You are using shadows on the circles, maybe try drop shadow on the object holding the text as well? Looking forward to your next draft! Hi @sunidhikashyap this is a really fun first draft! I have some recommendations for your next version: - You are missing one of the steps, "Subscribe to the Mailing List" - although @yavnikaa is creating their own design, most of the info in that design will be needed.
Hi @sunidhikashyap this is a really fun first draft! I have some recommendations for your next version: - You are missing one of the steps, "Subscribe to the Mailing List" - although @yavnikaa is creating their own design, most of the info in that design will be needed.
Sorry for that, I understand.
I like the concept for the bottom area of the design. Based on that, I think you can remove the "Fedora Community Operations" title. Use a visual element only to break up the top half and bottom half. Change the "Anyone can contribute to fedora!" to "How can I contribute to Fedora?" The icons are really cute & simple, love them! I think the icon used for "3" could be a tad bit simpler to match the others. I am not sure what the rectangle represents, though the speech bubble def works for that concept! Maybe remove the rectangle, move the speech bubble to the other side and make it a bit bigger.
I like the concept for the bottom area of the design. Based on that, I think you can remove the "Fedora Community Operations" title. Use a visual element only to break up the top half and bottom half. Change the "Anyone can contribute to fedora!" to "How can I contribute to Fedora?"
The icons are really cute & simple, love them! I think the icon used for "3" could be a tad bit simpler to match the others. I am not sure what the rectangle represents, though the speech bubble def works for that concept! Maybe remove the rectangle, move the speech bubble to the other side and make it a bit bigger.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked them. The rectangle was supposed to represent a laptop but, I guess it was a flawed design from my side. So, I followed what you said.
I think it would be nice to use the full Fedora logo at the top somewhere and then include a title like "How to join Fedora" and then a subtitle "In four easy steps!" I think the two lines you have next to the title will be stronger as one line that underscores the title. Try a version like this Can't wait to see the changes!
I have made all the changes and will keep working on the remaining part of it. Thankyou so much for the encouragement :)
<img alt="draft_2.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/fd98bba665817bcf74f4f3d526c134b4cb97754c6d98dc98a87b031415b00e6b-draft_2.jpg" />
Hi @riecatnor I made a draft for this issue, can I please get some feedback
<img alt="3.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/c3b681e86e716ca0be21eb0f6b7d7803dad50ed43b0942751a1a56a1611bcc59-3.png" /> <img alt="6.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/6bc41efa84d983e83833e4b6d635f79ac8b8c84bc5659b61baa43708326c2f9a-6.png" /> <img alt="8.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/2706fac9888e670355f2217ce4d5e4a0b0926ffcb1feb037f6e91d89afcf0ef2-8.png" />
I finished making icons for the lower part of the infographic. I would love some suggestions on it. Thanks <img alt="draft_3.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/86d3281095c1e697e1dee0c12a7a87e72f7dfa8700592c47cbda429b7f9a38c6-draft_3.jpg" />
Hi folks! Comments below :)
@sunidhikashyap I am going to comment on draft 3, since it is the latest version. This is going in a really great direction! I have some recommendations for you: - I preferred the icons with the lighter stroke you were using originally. They are quite simple & nice and I think the thickness of the stroke is taking away some of that. - I think you can remove the world graphic over the colored circles you are using for 2 & 3. You have the mail and telegram icons there which show exactly what that those steps are, plus is will then match the other two icons for 1 & 4 - For the heading, I think you should move the fedora logo down the bottom of the page. It looks like the colors are off in the logo, make sure you are using a correct version. Change the text for the heading to "HOW TO JOIN FEDORA..." "in 4 easy steps!" and put a bit more space between the two lines. - You have two horizontal lines in the design, one dark blue, one grey. I think it would be better to make them match, but I am not sure which will be better :) - The icons on the bottom are cute! It would be nice if they were a bit bigger, maybe try to enlarge them some. I think the stroke on them could be increased just a little bit as well. - Another point on the icons... the ones you are using on the top have this off center style with the colored circle, while the ones on bottom are all different. Some seem centered, some seem off center. I would try going with the off-centered looking and pushing some of the other icons towards that style. - Change the text under "1" to " Register your nickname by creating an account on https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/" - Change the text under "2" to say "Subscribe to https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/announce.lists.fedoraproject.org/ to keep up to date with news from Fedora" - Change "3" to "Connect" and the text under to say "Connect to #fedora-join on IRC, Element/Matrix, or Telegram" - Change "4" to "Introduce yourself to the Join Fedora team, and let them know how you are interested in participating" Looking forward to the next draft! :)
Hi @dhairya15 this is a really nice start! I think "3" is the most successful of the layouts you uploaded, so go ahead and move forward with that one. I have a few recommendations: -For the heading, I think it might be better to move the Fedora logo down to the bottom somewhere, and use the space at the top of the heading.. Or move the logo to one side or the other of the title text. - Change the title text to "How to join Fedora" and "4 easy steps!" - I like the box you are creating for the steps, though I think it needs some adjustments with colors and opacity. The strokes you are using in between are all different colors as well. Maybe put some white space between each box. You can copy the text from my comment above. - I think the badge area feels quite crowded with all the badges and text that close to each other. Try making them smaller and potential rearrange them some to make that area more readable - The badge artwork is great, though I think it can only be understood once you are a member of the Fedora community. This design is targeted at total newcomers to Fedora, so they would see this and not be able to make much sense of it. I do like the idea of incorporating badges in, but I am not sure how exactly. What if you put one larger badge with the text "How can I contribute to Fedora?" that is aligned with smaller solid badges that have each type of contribution? Looking forward to your next draft!
<img alt="infographic_draft.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/04b9439f3113ef615f5870f468909150aa73da5b39c6773b919065c62c94702b-infographic_draft.png" />
Here is my next draft keeping in mind your feedback.
I really like @sunidhikashyap 's icon set. I was thinking if we could try those in my layout? What say?
Will post the web version for the infographic soon :))
Looking forward to your views and suggestions @riecatnor !
<img alt="infographic_Web.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/6bad097ca457d18a2df3a438ee83daf3816f9c2920983359fd5541193e5a8e48-infographic_Web.png" />
Here is my iteration for the web version of the infographic. I added the links as the icon to open in new window (Is it intuitive?). Kept it more colourful and vibrant. Not very sure about the way icons in the lower half are displayed. Hope this aligns with Fedora Aesthetics!
Waiting for the feedback :'))
PS- Sorry for the bad quality export :/
Hey @riecatnor made the changes you suggested and came up with a new draft, what do you think of this one?
<img alt="4_Easy_Steps.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/8aa18db9d62111f106eacb2f3b0a0d59839e11c0aa46100937e5580cd3d764e9-4_Easy_Steps.png" />
Hi @riecatnor , thanks for the encouragement and the feedback :) I have made the changes and tried to maintain the consistency in the icon-set's design. Do let me know what you think.
Also, for the digital version, should I try something else from scratch or work on variations of this draft itself? <img alt="draft_4.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/f8f95625c15bccd863e5dd6fef83fa1c500cde355e91f00944df493fa46bb461-draft_4.jpg" />
@yavnikaa I'm glad you liked my icon set :))
If you'd like to use them and experiment with your design, I am sharing the svg file for the icon-set here. Sorry it took a while <img alt="icon-set.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/1cbdc65832523b8e31fe96da749f6c52e20746feb8ba8a29de7de7985b3cc84d-icon-set.svg" />
Hey folks! The work being done here is splendid, so thank you to everyone :) Comments below
@yavnikaa nice work! Let's take a look at the version for print first: - I am not sure the different colored numbers are working great here because that is the only place they are really incorporated. If you want to use the colors, maybe try changing some of the icon colors at the bottom? You could also make them the lighter Fedora blue to give it contrast from the text. - Move the figure on the right hand side in just a bit, the figure on the left has some blue breathing room, and it should look even on the right. - Although I love pandas, I think we should stick with the "friends" theme that you are using in the middle with the figures. Maybe you could add another one of those at the bottom instead of the panda? - I think you can make the QR code a bit bigger and group the text with it (Maybe centered since everything else is) - Make sure to look at my previous notes, use the text exactly as I have typed it out.
I think it would be nice to use the full Fedora logo at the top somewhere and then include a title like "How to join Fedora" and then a subtitle "In four easy steps!" Let's rename "Fedora Community Operations" title to "How can I contribute to Fedora?"
Now let's look at the version for web: - First of all, I love this gradient, I want to look at it all day! - Right now, just the one set of text is black.. I think it should be changed to white to keep things uniform - Same deal with the title and sub-title on this one :) - Its a little difficult to understand the icons at the bottom, increase the opacity on those a bit.
@dhairya15 very nice improvement! A couple recommendations for your next draft: - Change "Join" in the title to "join" - Remove the "TM" from the logo, we no longer need to use it - The edge of the text in the boxes looks a bit awkward. Are you familiar with the term "rag"? learn more here: https://www.fonts.com/content/learning/fontology/level-2/text-typography/rags-widows-orphans you will need to play with the wording and spacing of the text to resolve this a bit - Make sure the badge & text are centered in the middle banner- right now it looks as though there is less space at the top than at the bottom of the badge. - The badges area looks better! I think a couple of them should be replaced for better options. - Replace the designer badge with this one: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/pop-badger-design-team-iii I think this will pop a bit more for this design - Replace the websites & apps badge with this one: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/rock-the-web%21
@sunidhikashyap this looks great! It feels a lot more balanced. A few small notes: - The check mark for the Quality Assurance icon is standing out because it is so much thicker. I think you can reduce the thickness on this a bit to help it fit in better - Move the fedora logo down a little bit, right now it feels a bit crowded next to the line above it You are welcome to use this to make different variations or start something entirely new, up to you :)
@riecatnor Thanks for the feedback, and for encouraging me as always :) I have made the changes.
<img alt="draft_5.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/209f927a8628b6a43438d888d39c44200671cbe004e37502d91dab50a02a8778-draft_5.png" />
Hey @riecatnor I made the changes you suggested. Does this look better?
<img alt="4_Easy_Steps.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/57ca761e6fafcb5bb9d5724a8dfdbb0a6849555cde10f8cf74d531b66188b6d3-4_Easy_Steps.png" />
Hi! Here are my iterated versions. For the web one, did all the changes you asked for. How it is looking now?
<img alt="web-info.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/33ca750d57efbb8b4311e930b387533b32cbbdabde4e5440e49265a6ba8059e1-web-info.png" />
For the print version, I have made the changes and even tried out a few more things.
<img alt="info_a.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/3c3de4789450ac9e22d4aa25075b0643f6f3a3187dc9ebb230121c2ece7d3940-info_a.png" />
Thankyouu @sunidhikashyap for sharing your icon set and here is how it is looking in my layout.
<img alt="info_b.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/6d7bc105b58d19b9b77a2951255f3c964528ce4cfc5c8250ba7e9b5eb163bf2d-info_b.png" />
Finally, I played a little with the positioning of the QR code and alignment and this is what it looks like.
<img alt="info_c.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/8e4a22f7f21b021490420e4492c7be86049e943ce90ca83ef928b489c9057577-info_c.png" />
The designs have really come far since the beginning. They are all starting to look really streamlined. Giving all the information, with out overwhelming with everything.
@yavnikaa I could be mistaken, but do you mean to put #fedora-join instead of #fedora-design for number 3 of your list? I may be overthinking things a little, but double checking. I really like the change of the icon set for the print function. I also like the qr code not being on the bottom. I think it makes the list look more complete, even if I know they are the same things. I think the web version looks really nice with the new Fedora logo!
@dhairya15 I do love the incorporation of the badges. I think it keeps it nicely in line with their other uses. I have a worry with the multiple QR codes right next to each other. People who still have older smart phones might have issues grabbing both at the same time. I think one might be put on either side of the page?
@sunidhikashyap The Fedora Logo looks so much better with a little bit more space on the top! I think the whole thing flows very nicely. I agree with @riecatnor that it looks a lot more balanced.
Thank you for all the work y'all are doing! I really can see this helping the Fedora Friends and Family grow!
The designs have really come far since the beginning. They are all starting to look really streamlined. Giving all the information, with out overwhelming with everything. @yavnikaa I could be mistaken, but do you mean to put #fedora-join instead of #fedora-design for number 3 of your list? I may be overthinking things a little, but double checking. I really like the change of the icon set for the print function. I also like the qr code not being on the bottom. I think it makes the list look more complete, even if I know they are the same things. I think the web version looks really nice with the new Fedora logo!
Yes, you are right! I will correct it, extremely sorry for this blunder. Thankyou for your feedback. Means alot :D
Fixed the QR codes. Is this better @riecatnor @mouse ?
<img alt="4_Easy_Steps_1.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/86a4ec071219527e2ab46c30ca0b49f9fccec24088a030366bede419a41e346b-4_Easy_Steps_1.png" />
@mouse Thankyou so much for the feedback and encouragement :)
Hullo design peeps! Nice work here :D Make sure to upload source files and PNGs moving forward. Comments below
@sunidhikashyap nice work! Please upload the source file for this design and you will be all set
Hi @dhairya15 this is great! Just a few small notes: - Some of the text looks to be underlined- is there a reason for that? Since this is for print, no need to create the look of hyperlinks if that is what you were going for - Please upload the source file
HI @yavnikaa thanks for the great work :) So I was looking into using graphics that are not created by the Fedora design team, and you will need to add all the credits to each design if the license requires that. That means you will need to incorporate that text in, use the other set of icons from @sunidhikashyap , or come up with your own set. You can choose how you want to move forward. More comments below: Web version: - Make sure to update the description text in the right hand side. You can copy the text used here: https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files/f8f95625c15bccd863e5dd6fef83fa1c500cde355e91f00944df493fa46bb461-draft_4.jpg - Update the sub titles in the bottom area, try to come up with these, I can help if needed :)
Print version: - I like version b the best, it looks great! And actually, this has similar notes. - Make sure to update the descriptions for the instructions - Update the sub titles under in the bottom area
Thanks everyone!!
Thanks for pointing out @riecatnor , fixed it :) I tried to move towards the zestier blue and added the new logo, too. Here's a PNG of that version and also the source file.
<img alt="4_Easy_Steps_2.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/cb7f2bcfe98d528a2fa7030c1809a741cbc53ab1c6e9bef21801fc97fed11027-4_Easy_Steps_2.png" /><img alt="4_Easy_Steps_2.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/8e00082f5524443cfc51eb09bca7863d3a093c2bf1dd35d2ed95438415c4c2b4-4_Easy_Steps_2.svg" />
Thanks @riecatnor ! Here's the source file. <img alt="infographic_final.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/fe4a03f249cbbb6878e26f2676e35a3c00c24da10f72ef2edfedfe02455b1261-infographic_final.svg" />
png file: https://pagure.io/design/issue/745#comment-726409
Hi @riecatnor @mouse I tried my hands on this project using the corrections made earlier and I came up with these. There are two versions of the infographic design, one that's more colorful and the other less colorful (both in digital and print copies respectively), I couldn't pick one hence why I'm dropping both. I'm open to corrections and reviews, looking forward to getting feedback on this. Thank you!. <img alt="HTJF_cd..svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/ed293ac332117b86b5da67776dba9ab3b0f200927f2761ced620873dff1b6a44-HTJF_cd..svg" /> <img alt="HTJF_cd..png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/8d37f23cba1cf04085e8e0b29f53dbc019187df060069c61afd6af983bb608f7-HTJF_cd..png" /> <img alt="HTJF_cp..svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/cf1b3afe6d2d03dbfcfdfcb6e7ae0efdc55cb7cccadc7380565ccb4fc8db24c6-HTJF_cp..svg" /> <img alt="HTJF_cp..png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/b2186ea2e7a75d2d202db58f6da870ce611475e9b650b873f3ddd6b364d9c051-HTJF_cp..png" />
<img alt="HTJF_md_2.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/7a5484746114ab787b424c6428750cf502bcee5c1edf3f752f9c918db90d6deb-HTJF_md_2.svg" /> <img alt="HTJF_md_1.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/a1bebda3f97ad27f7ead2fa1fe132e5425fe191fe96bbe555736a60ed05f8fd7-HTJF_md_1.png" /> <img alt="HTJF_mp_1.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/0ac0285bec32eaaa6f72e02b48a087442ee29cb8c11a4f3b52eadef17b1c7329-HTJF_mp_1.png" /> <img alt="HTJF_mp_1.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/7739826fb3342c2419c1200af136ca9de29125b26a7ca64cc753204fc55cdfcb-HTJF_mp_1.svg" />
Hullo design peeps! Nice work here :D Make sure to upload source files and PNGs moving forward. Comments below @sunidhikashyap nice work! Please upload the source file for this design and you will be all set Hi @dhairya15 this is great! Just a few small notes: - Some of the text looks to be underlined- is there a reason for that? Since this is for print, no need to create the look of hyperlinks if that is what you were going for - Please upload the source file HI @yavnikaa thanks for the great work :) So I was looking into using graphics that are not created by the Fedora design team, and you will need to add all the credits to each design if the license requires that. That means you will need to incorporate that text in, use the other set of icons from @sunidhikashyap , or come up with your own set. You can choose how you want to move forward. More comments below: Web version: - Make sure to update the description text in the right hand side. You can copy the text used here: https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files/f8f95625c15bccd863e5dd6fef83fa1c500cde355e91f00944df493fa46bb461-draft_4.jpg - Update the sub titles in the bottom area, try to come up with these, I can help if needed :) Print version: - I like version b the best, it looks great! And actually, this has similar notes. - Make sure to update the descriptions for the instructions - Update the sub titles under in the bottom area Thanks everyone!!
Hello. I worked on the infographic and ended up using @sunidhikashyap 's icon set for print and modified the icon set a bit for the web with some custom icons. Hope there are no license issues now! I edited the descriptions and the text. Please have a look and let me know if they are good to go.
Attaching the source files of both the web and the print version.
<img alt="info_web_source.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/d48b7cd3361cc077fe5d57dbc3a22a492891eb98007899f3a3aed8458170335f-info_web_source.svg" /><img alt="info_web.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/34a57aca18e991a6c5e8556f8ae37b14df6af3c5b8bd7bd027870775cd86a062-info_web.png" /><img alt="info_print_source.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/d023c2f80b6e01e97e7d2f5822804c5bfae8d22720bcbb0441336f4c48a40af1-info_print_source.svg" /><img alt="info_print.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/f5ac0b633d2328e69dfe5fc743740e432b280403c3308a9951ceafa6a148fb2f-info_print.png" />
Had a great time working on this task :))
<img alt="HTJF_mdd.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/05accdbe1cdb62cfe08894779f087bc35467d3b76c3bf7875c900b9832a9289f-HTJF_mdd.svg" /> <img alt="HTJF_mdd.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/012ecd88285b26e8cd345e06463cecd1c88d446b7b70161b614b4990f7c30b91-HTJF_mdd.png" /> <img alt="HTJF_mpp.svg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/701f5e2f44cb98614edb8f82bbdda9744e989388f610e7efee10d819396def0f-HTJF_mpp.svg" /> <img alt="HTJF_mpp.png" src="/design/issue/raw/files/867e392280c84162dd3807c23ddf1ffb38fd1669ca0b76203dd351ad48d423d3-HTJF_mpp.png" />
@riecatnor Hi! I also worked on this project. I'd love to get a review on it. For the image, i got it from stickpng.com <img alt="How_to_join_Fedora.jpg" src="/design/issue/raw/files/a745c6a8812f3f8c9e7eb8ef30dd3922bcd4be57a49521bc2362b9e322642a57-How_to_join_Fedora.jpg" />
is this the same of this or is another initiative from your part
if is the same I've voted for cloe this ticket because I included in our repo as references.
thx for your works;
Hi @hhlp thank you for the reminder here! This ticket actually correlates with some stuff we are getting into the CommOps docs, here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/commops/design-assets/joining-printouts/ we can close the ticket!
A big THANK YOU to everyone who worked on this!!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue close_status updated to: Fixed - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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