#746 "Powered by the Fedora Design Team" graphic
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by duffy. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.


We have been more active lately, and we have a variety of awesome designs being created. It would be great to promote the designs as our work. What do folks think about making a "Powered by the Fedora Design Team" graphic that we can put in the footer of our designs?


To help promote the awesome work the design team is doing & to attract new contributors


Small, simple, design that includes the new logo & the text "Powered by the Fedora Design Team"

@riecatnor I started looking at this... what do you think about this? It follows the new powered by fedora emblem we're shipping in F34 for the apache/nginx/caddy webserver default testpages:


Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue tagged with: triaged

3 years ago

Oooo, I love it!! Would it be possible to generate a white version to go on blue backgrounds as well? (I run into this sooo much lol)

Hi @schizzy thanks for offering! This is an official logo graphic, so @duffy our design team lead is going to complete this one. There are multiple tickets tagged "outreachy-2021" in the design repo that you can contribute to.

Where and when can we use it?

  • Blog posts announcing things designed for Fedora
  • Virtual promotion of events - use as recognition in that promotion
  • Certain printed materials, pamphlets, etc.

We don't need it on physical goods (like t-shirts, swag, etc.), unless the good was specifically focused on design team work.

Where will this live moving forward?

  • If anybody needs a copy of the mark, they can follow the Fedora logo queue process.

This has been completed in gradient, new fedora blue, and white variants. Please email logo@fedoraproject.org if you need the SVGs (i am emailing them to you now Marie!)

Metadata Update from @duffy:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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