#748 Update the "contributing roles" graphics on l10N page
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor.


The l10N team is a rad part of the Fedora Project and their docs should look just as rad! I was browsing through and saw some outdated graphics on their wiki page that could be easily updated. At the link below you will see an area titled "Contributing roles in the L10N (localization) Project" with three graphics. One each for "Translator" "Coordinator" and "Admin". They look like a very old version of Fedora aesthetic :D we should update them!



To ensure the l10N team has modern graphics to use in their documentation- this helps attract newcomers, as well as let's the l10N team know we value their work and want to help out.


Since these are roles, I think it would be great to use a character set to illustrate. We have a lot of existing characters in Fedora and we should use one of those to make these designs.
- pandas
- badgers
- beefy miracle
- illustrations that can be found on this ticket: https://pagure.io/design/issue/667

Hello! I would love to contribute to this issue. My question is the following: is there any measure to respect? and where I can see information about the color palette and fedora font. thank you in advance!

Hi @lauravillalba - I think you can go with a square aspect ratio if that is what you are referring to :)

You can find the guidelines here:

hi! again can you tell me were i can find the currents ilustratios use
- pandas
- badgers
- beefy miracle
i look the ticket but i didn't find it :,(

Hi! I'm contributing to this issue too, here are the links Marie share yesterday for the artwork:

Here are the guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Logo/UsageGuidelines

All of the artwork here is available to you: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/explore/badges

Fun characters being used here: https://pagure.io/design/issue/667

For example: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/apprentice-badge-artist-i

Hope we both can come up with great design for this! :)

Hi @lauravillalba on this page https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/apprentice-badge-artist-i you will see a field named "Criteria" with a link to a badges repo ticket- that is where you will find the source files for the badge artwork.

Here is what I believe to be an accurate version of Beefy Miracle : https://mchua.fedorapeople.org/tmp/beefymiracle/just-beefy-miracle.svg

Hello @riecatnor can i contribute to this issue? I've seen the shared resources above and ready to get started

Hi Salomek! You can contribute to this ticket as well. I guess that the more proposals to solve the issue, the better :D

Hi @jonekls really great start! I think there are a few small adjustments that can be made to make the even for "Fedora-y" :)
- I think it would make sense to go with one character for each of the designs, with the title below, it makes sense. For the "Coordinator" use the magenta/pink panda
- The pandas are looking a little slender, make them a bit "chubbier" :) check out this one for reference: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/flock-2018-contributor
- I think the designs are looking a little crowded, there are a few adjustments to help relieve this.. Make your pandas just a bit smaller. Reduce the dark blue stroke you are using on the text a little bit.
- For the pandas with the line for a smile, set the cap for the "stroke style" to rounded

Looking forward to your next draft!

@salomek absolutely, go ahead :)

Thank you for the feedback and all the suggestions @riecatnor ! I'll start working on the next draft :D

@jonekls so cute! And I think these are almost there :) a few small changes I would recommend to push them to the finish line:
- As I have been looking through the design repo, I was reminded that we are deprecating the use of the Comfortaa typeface. Can you try Open Sans and Montserrat here and see how they look? Choose which you think looks best
- Bump up the stroke on the speech bubbles for the Translator graphic just a little bit
- The "Admin" graphic looks lighter than the other ones.. Could you try switching the light and medium blue in the background of this and see how it looks? Not sure if this will look good, but worth a try :)
Looking forward to your next draft!

I think they look better with those changes @riecatnor ! I have a question regarding the fontype, both Montserrat and Open Sans have a pointy, flat style, and when I was watching the Fedora designs for the badges, I noted that they tend to have a more rounded/soft style. I would like to know if there's any chance I could make the font softer?

Hello guys! sorry for not answering before, I was a little sick (nothing serious). This is my first contribution, I am excited! : D.
I want to share with mentors and fellow applicants my particular process.
Well first, I started by reading the ticket and consulting information about the elements that I would need for the design, then I started reading about the roles in the link provided.
Here I began to see the documentation and observe what parameters to respect, understand by (colors, typography, patterns), configure my workspace with these configurations (use illustrator sooorry: O) -but I already have Inkscape downloaded-, and then I started to look for inspiration of how I could make the badges, when I had a clear vision I started and this is what came out !. I look forward to your feedback and good weekend! (this its too long jajaja)

Hi @lauravillalba on this page https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/apprentice-badge-artist-i you will see a field named "Criteria" with a link to a badges repo ticket- that is where you will find the source files for the badge artwork.

Here is what I believe to be an accurate version of Beefy Miracle : https://mchua.fedorapeople.org/tmp/beefymiracle/just-beefy-miracle.svg

i think the files were move or delete in this ticket https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/307
I case anyone its looking in this ticket.

@riecatnor May I too contribute to this one? I see that a lot of work has already been put into this issue, so I wanted to know if that's okay with you. Thanks :)

Hullo designers! I will leave reviews below.

Hi @jonekls lookin' good & so close- the backgrounds look spot on! A couple thoughts:
- We do continue to use Comfortaa in badges because it is ingrained in the design aesthetic there. This is not for badges, so please do use Montserrat or Open Sans for this design. You can use some of the semi-bold or bold options to get a "rounder" feeling.
- I showed the design to someone on the translations team and they requested we change the Chinese char to: ⵣ
Looking forward to seeing those changes :)

@jcacovski thanks for getting started on this task! I have a few recommendations for you to move forward with:
- Unfortunately, we can't use flags in our designs. It has legal ramifications and we do our very best to avoid them.
- I would use a panda off a design from the Badges project, and remix it for this. It will be a much easier way to achieve the Fedora design aesthetic than building from scratch :) https://badges.fedoraproject.org/
- Try to integrate the text with the design a bit more
Good luck with the next draft :)

@lauravillalba cute start! I have a few recommendations for you to move forward:
- I am curious about your choice to use the badge template for this design. I am not sure they are right for this task, and also it looks like have not been imported correctly. I do think you can use the pandas, backgrounds, and graphic elements you are working up :)
- These graphics will appear at a small size, I am concerned the graphic elements you have for the tasks (computer, speech bubbles & network) won't show up well. I think you can make these a bit more prominent somehow.
- Try switching the object & stroke colors on the text
Looking forward to the next iteration :)

@sunidhikashyap absolutely :)

hi! @riecatnor thank you for the feedback, I believe that I misinterpreted the ticket, now I have it clearer. My mistake, considering the above, I eliminated the graphic elements due to the size of the image, my focus now is to give more importance to the character and the legibility of the title. tell me what you think!

@riecatnor Thanks for the heads up on the use of flags, and the general feedback as always. I'm brainstorming on another method to convey translation that doesn't entail directly copying the very excellent design that @jonekis has implemented. In the meantime, I was looking through badges and found a panda that seems to fit the admin role very nicely! I think this one fits the overall aesthetic we're looking for quite a bit more.

Hey folks, nice work! In the next round of submissions, please add your source files as well. Comments below :)

@jonekls These look great!
- I am leaning towards the option using Montserrat, what do you prefer?
- One more small note, do you see how there is just a small bit of color showing up between the letters? (For example between the "T" and "r" in translators, the area inside the "o"s) Increase the white stroke on the lettering just a bit to eliminate those unintentional slivers of color showing up

@lauravillalba omgosh so cute! I have a couple small changes for you:
- Make the stroke on the pandas match- right now the stroke around the head is much thicker than the stroke on the body
- Try making the stroke on the text bubble the same width as the stroke on the panda.

@jcacovski very nice! I think this is close, just the text & text object need a bit of adjustment:
- The text is a bit hard to read. I think it's a matter of trying different color combinations until you find the one that looks best. I would also remove the stroke on the text to keep it a bit simpler.
- Try exporting at a smaller size, probably 1/4-1/3 the size you are exporting now

Thanks everybody!

@jonekls nice!! There is still a tiny bit of pink showing up inside the "o"'s - increase that stroke just a tad bit more and it'll be all set

@lauravillalba lookin' good! The stroke is different on the panda ears tho, adjust that one to be the same, and they will be complete

@sunidhikashyap thanks for starting work on this! A couple recommendations for you:
- I like that you have depicted some activities, it would be nice to do this for the "coordinator" design as well. What if you gave them a clipboard, pencil behind the ear, and a name badge?
- The stroke on the coordinator design is very thick, and the stroke in the other two is very thin. Find a happy place in the middle and make them consistent throughout each design
- Crop the panda in the translator badge so it is consistent with the circle design. I would also adjust the design for the admin to match in composition (so figure out a nice composition and crop that panda as well)
- Upload smaller PNGs next time :) (500px or smaller)
Looking forward to your next drafts!



  • Alterations to color
  • Export size down from 1k to 256

I'm gonna try and whip up something for the other roles with this type of format.

@jcacovski nice work! these have come a long way from your first draft :) please upload your source files

@jonekls nice! these are all set :) thanks for your work

Thank you for all the feedback @riecatnor !

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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