#799 banner for Fedora cool stuff store promo site
Opened 3 years ago by riecatnor. Modified 2 years ago


I am working on setting up a promo landing page that will be used with codes (like we did for Nest). I threw together a banner design very quickly for the Nest swag pack, but since this will be used for a while I think it would be nice to come up with a thoughtful design. This is not a super rush, but it would be nice to get something in place in the next couple weeks (or by end of year).


Create a promo page that is in line with the Fedora brand for future community give-aways


The dimensions for the banner are 1600x400 pixels
Here are some examples of existing promo banners:
I thought it might be cool to include our diversity themed characters or maybe our new panda character designs

I'd be happy to pick up this ticket! I'll do some brainstorming tonight and get back to you tomorrow. Just to confirm with @duffy, this would be a case where the Fedora logo is allowed to be used, right?

Hi @velocity thank you for your interest! Yes, the Fedora logo should be included in this design. We have used the logo for the past generic looking promo banner we had, but we need something more fun :)

Here is the generic one:

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