#51 [RFE] Policy on different streams in EPEL8 of RHEL8 modules
Closed: Fixed 3 years ago by tdawson. Opened 5 years ago by mprahl.

When EPEL8 is available to packagers, will we be allowed to package different module streams of modules that are already provided by RHEL? If so, what happens if RHEL starts providing that stream later on? Would the EPEL8 module of that stream get retired? What process would enforce this?

It is currently not clear if we can create conflicting streams or not due to my lack of understanding of things. There will need to be some experimentation with our setup to see what happens.

If stream collisions are possible, then we would need to find a way to make it not happen. Again that will require more knowledge than I currently have.

There's a lot to figure out, but I think we can have any streams we like in epel8, as long as they are named differently from the rhel8 ones they shouldn't overlap, even if they are the same software.

I believe this has been answered in the updated Policy

"In EPEL 8 or later, it is permitted to have module streams which contain packages with alternate versions to those provided in RHEL. These packages may be newer, built with different options, or even older to serve compatibility needs. These MUST NOT be the default stream -- in every case, explicit user action must be required to opt in to these versions. If the RHEL package is in a RHEL module, then the EPEL module must have the same name as the RHEL module. Any exceptions to the module name must be approved by the EPEL Steering Committee.

In EPEL8 or later, it is also permitted to provide an alternative non-modular package to any package found only in a non-default RHEL module. "

Metadata Update from @tdawson:
- Issue close_status updated to: Fixed
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

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