#429 Remove Mark Terranova (markdude) as mentor
Closed: Complete 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by nb.

Please remove Mark Terranova (markdude) as a mentor. This was unanimously voted on by FAmNA. https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/178

If you want more information, the NA ticket should be public.

We didn't have any quorum yesterday but FAmSCo has sent out an email to the mentors list for feedback. We will wait for comments at least for two weeks before making a decision and would also appreciate Mark's POV.
@markdude CC

We discussed this a bit during our meeting today, but we really need feedback from local mentors on the mentors list before making any decision. I will send out a reminder to the mentors list.

@robyduck did FAmSCo read https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/178 ? that ticket has a lot of information in it. I can't comment on the mentors list because no one has approved my request to join it...........

Mark has told his mentees that Fedora would pay for them to attend events, without even consulting with the treasurer or the event owner. He provides them inaccurate information. He does not act as we would expect a Fedora Ambassador to act. He has been mostly inactive for quite a while. He has not even cared to reply to this ticket, or to direct emails sent to him asking him to reply.

I really don't know what more information FAmSCo thinks they need in order to approve this request. IMHO if the region sends a request, FAmSCo should approve it, unless they have a reason not to. Fact is, FAmNA does not want MarkDude to be a mentor anymore. Please approve this ticket so we can remove him from the list.

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: urgent!
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27
- Issue tagged with: membership

6 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017) (was: Fedora 27)

6 years ago

On behalf of FAmA, I confirm markdude has been removed as mentor. Ticket will be closed.

Metadata Update from @giannisk:
- Issue close_status updated to: Complete

6 years ago

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