I know that a lot of work is going on with things related to this topic, but I didn't see a ticket:
Can we get https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification cleaned up?
It seems that we have 51 unknown ambassadors and many don't have names. If you're an ambassador, it seems you have to allow your name and country to be public. I think that is a reasonable request.
Also, Africa is not listed with EMEA properly.
Lastly, it sounds like this list is full of inactive ambassadors.
This wiki page is updated regularly by the FAmA verification script, which is rather old and might have some issues. I know it is very slow and with Infra we alreay gave it more time to run to avoid timeouts. However, all ambassadors listed there should be also "active" in the FAS group. The reason why we clean up regularly ambassadors (we did that 3 months ago) is to set them as inactive which drops them also from the page you mentioned. I will have a look on it ASAP.
It might have more sense to open also a ticket in FAmA pagure.
I was listed in unknown before. And later I find out that if my account information is marked as private, then it goes into unknown on that wiki. So I don't think it is a good idea.
If you're an ambassador who is supposed to be contacted by people, how do they do that if we're not allowed to share your information?
I agree with you for the first half of the sentence. But even not sharing the information, we can still know the email address so I think mark as private is fine.
I don't mean object to the idea. But the ways for clarify should be considered.
If you're an ambassador who is supposed to be contacted by people, how do they do that if we're not allowed to share your information? I agree with you for the first half of the sentence. But even not sharing the information, we can still know the email address so I think mark as private is fine.
I believe that if someone is going to oractivwly contact an ambassador they have to believe that person is real. That means having more than an email and a country. They need to see a name and a full user page to help scope who you are and encourage the contact.
Today we have a binary system, private or not. I don't think we are likely to see the patches to have selective data sharing and I am not sure it would be a good use of contributions if there are other options.
Yes I agree with @bex. Ambassadors give voice to Fedora and for the same reason your mentor wants you to have a good personal wiki page, for the same reason you are supposed to set your account as public.
FAmSCo's last meeting: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2017-07-26/famsco.2017-07-26-15.00.html
I see three issues here:
For No. 1 I suggest forwarding the issue to FAmA and Infra.
For No. 2 we could discuss whether ambassadors may hide their location/and or contact information.
For No. 3 we could discuss again what defines ambassador activity. I remind you of #424, it's the last time we made a decision regarding that.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue priority set to: minor (3-4 weeks) - Issue set to the milestone: Fedora 27 (to Nov. 2017) - Issue tagged with: membership
I did some checks in the script:
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