#127 Provide permalinks to meeting details
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by lbrabec.

Currently the meeting detail is shown as popup over lightened background but URL doesn't change (link to day/week). Meeting detail can be opened in new tab so we can obtain link, but page shows only 'fullpage' popup with no close button.

It would be nice to have permalink to meeting detail. Such page would show popup (as if clicked in calendar) and closing this popup would show calendar with week of given meeting.

I have been looking into this and the problem is that we cannot change the full url without redirecting the user to the page, so if we were to change the url when displaying the pop-up, we would redirect the user to the meeting's page (w/o all the css/js).

The only part of the url we could change in the hash (#meeting_id maybe?), but that won't quite do what you're thinking about

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