Current design of list view is somehow confusing - at first sight, one can't tell where meeting description starts and where it ends. Some kind of separator between meetings would be nice.
Also, since meeting detail is now pretty polished and there is 'blue box', it could be more readable if just part of meeting description was shown and rest of it would be accessible through click.
I did quickfix for this, see attachment for patch.
This patch fails to apply for me on both the master and the tests branch
{{{ Applying: listview quickfix /home/pingou/repos/gitrepo/fedocal/.git/rebase-apply/patch:79: trailing whitespace. {% autoescape off%} {{ meeting.meeting_information }} /home/pingou/repos/gitrepo/fedocal/.git/rebase-apply/patch:81: trailing whitespace. href="{{ url_for('view_meeting', error: patch failed: fedocal/ error: fedocal/ patch does not apply Patch failed at 0001 listview quickfix The copy of the patch that failed is found in: /home/pingou/repos/gitrepo/fedocal/.git/rebase-apply/patch When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue". If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead. To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort". }}}
Also, for this part: {{{ + for i in range(len(meetings)): + lead_par = meetings[i].meeting_information[:100] + meetings[i].meeting_information = lead_par + "..." }}}
I think we should be able to do this directly in the template rather than iterating through all the meetings in the controller
new patch (againts fedorahosted repo) fedocal-list-enhance.patch
Ok, again, diff against fedorahosted repo. Tried, works for me.
Yes, the lead paragraph part should be in model. However this was just preview meant only for showing what I had in mind not a patch for production.
Also, first X characters of description can cut text in the middle of word. Is it problem? Nicer option could be first several words or something like that.
One option might be to create a new jinja filter and maybe can help getting the first X characters correctly
I like the jinja filter option.
Textwrap module looks pretty good, something like this: {{{ '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(a)[:3])+"..." }}} could do the work (returns first 3 lines).
What about 'show more' link after the lead paragraph, is it needed?
I was wondering about it, I guess it's not really since the regular link is just in the next cell
Yep, that's my argument against it too, but I'm not sure if it is clear enough that the 'blue box' is clickable link. I'll ask around what others think.
It's the same box as in the calendar view, but sure let's check if it is clear enough
The feedback is that 'show more' or something like little arrow or a pictogram (like wiki uses for external links) at the end of lead paragraph would be better than only clickable 'blue box'.
Also kparal suggested that about 8 lines of text would be best (enough info from it).
8 lines seems a bit much to me but ok, we can always tweak that later.
Let's go for a small arrow/pictogram (with the title show more) then :)
show more
I'm not sure what "title" means (is that a tooltip?), but I'd rather have that text visible. A single small expander icon can be too hard to spot.
So something like "show more >>" is best, IMO.
Yes the title is the tooltip displayed when one hover over a link
So where do we stand on this one?
Replying to [comment:15 pingou]:
Sorry, are we waiting on my feedback, or lbrabec's new patch, or something else? Not sure :)
lbrabec could you rebase your patch?
Ok I took the patch from lbrabec and based on it finished this RFE:
See screen-shot attached.
attachment <img alt="fedocal_new_listview.png" src="/fedocal/issue/raw/files/780a3892a14213071f6834f80068ecbd588dc77934932cce929fe57636203292-fedocal_new_listview.png" />
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