#131 reminder email not sent for Chinese meeting
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by alick.

I've created the Chinese meeting [1] under ambassadors calendar and edit the reminder setting to send emails to the Chinese mailing list automatically. But we haven't received such reminder email. Hope someone can look into this issue.

[1] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/470/

Thanks pingou! But I'm not sure when the fix will arrive at the public instance. Besides, do I need to modify the meeting settings too?

I'll try to make a new release soon and there is nothing for you to do :)

Replying to [comment:3 pingou]:

I'll try to make a new release soon and there is nothing for you to do :)


Pushed in prod, so let's see if the next reminder is sent correctly and readable :)

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