#132 Some full-day events seems to span two days (in google calendar)
Closed: Invalid None Opened 10 years ago by kparal.

We have these two test days defined in our QA calendar:
i18n Test Day, https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/2014/9/1/#m764
Wayland Test Day, https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/QA/2014/9/1/#m420

Both of them look like a single full-day event in Fedocal, and even in Zimbra and Evolution. But in Google Calendar, only Wayland looks like a single day, and i18n looks like spanning two days (with an indication that it's from 2AM first day to 2AM second day). Look at the attachment.

They both seemed to be stored the same way:
Stored as:

Start: 2014-09-02 - 00:00:00 UTC
End: 2014-09-03 - 00:00:00 UTC

Stored as:

Start: 2014-09-04 - 00:00:00 UTC
End: 2014-09-05 - 00:00:00 UTC


ical export says:
DESCRIPTION:This is temporary placeholder meeting\, it will be updated<
/i>\n\nWe will test Wayland in upcoming Fedora 21.\n
ORGANIZER:lbrabec\, pschindl
SUMMARY:i18n Test Day
(there is a wrong description, but I don't want to touch it, because it might "fix" the bug:))
DESCRIPTION:This is temporary placeholder meeting\, it will be updated\n
\nWe will test Wayland in upcoming Fedora 21.\n\n
ORGANIZER:kparal\, lbrabec\, pschindl
SUMMARY:Wayland Test Day

I have no idea where the difference is, but there has to be some. Ideas?

Oh boy, from these info I really have no clue what's going on here :(

Even though #133 got fixed, this is still the same. The interesting thing is that only i18n test day event looks like this, all other test days are fine.

Since I haven't seen the problem elsewhere, and we don't know what's wrong (by looking into iCal, there's no reason to display it differently than other test days), I say we ignore it. I have updated the description, maybe it will get fixed somehow, but even if it don't, I think it's not worth the time unless it starts to occur more frequently. What do you think?

Let's keep this ticket open, make a new bugfix release to officially include the fix for #133 and I'll see later if I can find what's wrong with this event :)

The event got fixed, probably due to my edit...

Kamil, have you been able to reproduce this one again?
I would propose that we close this ticket if we can no longer reproduce it on 0.12

I haven't seen it in a long time, otoh we haven't had test days in a long time :) Let's close this, and I'll reopen if I see it again.

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