#135 Wrong meeting was deleted
Closed: Fixed None Opened 10 years ago by kparal.

Today I wanted to delete today's Fedora QA Meeting in our QA calendar, which means today's instance of that recurring weekly meeting.

If I click on the meeting to view the details, the actual meeting date is different from the "Stored as" date. See details.png. That's a first thing that's mildly confusing.

When I click red cross "delete" button, the page says different date that it is today. See delete.png. That's very confusing.

And when I actually deleted the meeting, today's meeting was not delete. Instead, I think, last week's meeting was deleted. That's a serious bug :-)

The problem seems to only appear in the list view, I believe it should work in the calendar view.

If I click on the meeting to view the details, the actual meeting date is different from the "Stored as" date. See details.png. That's a first thing that's mildly confusing.

That part is normal, the first date is the one of the meeting you select while the 'stored as' is the one of meeting when you created it, so for a recursive meeting, it's the first one, the one starting the recursion.

The problem I see if that sometime, for recursive meetings, the two dates are the same while they should not.

When I click red cross "delete" button, the page says different date that it is today. See delete.png. That's very confusing.

That's the same issue as the one above

And when I actually deleted the meeting, today's meeting was not delete. Instead, I think, last week's meeting was deleted. That's a serious bug :-)

Ok I found the problem for this (changes from the agenda view that had not been ported over the list view).

The problem seems to only appear in the list view, I believe it should work in the calendar view.

I used calendar view only.

That's the same issue as the one above

Yeah, but it's very confusing ;-)

If only list view has been fixed, the problem probably still persists.

Are you able to reproduce it on the staging instance ? https://apps.stg.fedoraproject.org/calendar/

To reproduce:

  • Create a weekly meeting
  • Delete one meeting
  • Delete the meeting just before the one you just deleted
    -> Meeting still present

It looks like it's creating a new meeting in place of the one you just deleted

Finally fixed with https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedocal/pull/154

I managed to reproduce the problem in a unit-test and could this way debug it nicely :)

Merged, I'm building 1.11.1 with it and will push to testing asap :)

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