#223 Summer Coder
Closed: Pushed None Opened 11 years ago by mayorga.

What the badge should be granted for: Getting a Google Summer of Code project accepted by Fedora mentors.
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): You participated in GSoC for Fedora.
Anything else we need to know: I don't really know if there's a way to award this automatically. But is there's any, even better!

Yeah, I don't think there's a way to do this automatically, but that doesn't mean we still can't do it manually.

We'll have to get some artwork first though.

Yeah, I don't think there's a way to do this automatically, but that doesn't mean we still can't do it manually.

We'll have to get some artwork first though.

haha love the badge artwork

haha love the badge artwork

Great. I talked with the GSOC admins and we will grant them admin on the badge. They will be responsible for awarding it to future students.

Great. I talked with the GSOC admins and we will grant them admin on the badge. They will be responsible for awarding it to future students.

Okay, done. The badge is pushed out as:


bckurera and charindu100 have been granted admin on the badge.

Okay, done. The badge is pushed out as:


bckurera and charindu100 have been granted admin on the badge.

Cool badge! What about previous participants? :D

Cool badge! What about previous participants? :D

Replying to [comment:7 axilleas]:

Cool badge! What about previous participants? :D

Heh, bckurera and charindu100 will have to decide.

Replying to [comment:7 axilleas]:

Cool badge! What about previous participants? :D

Heh, bckurera and charindu100 will have to decide.

Student participants who are successfully completed the project with fedora can earn this badge. We will start sending invitations soon starting from 2013. But if you provide your username, we can search for it and invite soon :) .

Student participants who are successfully completed the project with fedora can earn this badge. We will start sending invitations soon starting from 2013. But if you provide your username, we can search for it and invite soon :) .

Should this also go to mentors, or should that perhaps be suggested as another badge?

Should this also go to mentors, or should that perhaps be suggested as another badge?

I have the same opinion as sgallagh, the badge description says "You participated in GSoC for Fedora" and that includes the mentors and actually, even I am not right now a mentor but I opened this year one and Pingou and Threebean handle it knwo, mentoring is also a lot of work. So mentors deserve one and we should not do a second one extra for them.

I have the same opinion as sgallagh, the badge description says "You participated in GSoC for Fedora" and that includes the mentors and actually, even I am not right now a mentor but I opened this year one and Pingou and Threebean handle it knwo, mentoring is also a lot of work. So mentors deserve one and we should not do a second one extra for them.

= Changed =
Ticket: Has name
Ticket: Has description
Reassigning to riecatnor as original designer
Marking ticket as triaged
Marking concept as approved
Setting badge definition to "not yet possible" in terms of automation
CCing nb as badge admin to update granting privileges
CCing 2016 GSoC administrators for notification purposes

= Proposed changes =
Grant privileges to give badge to GSoC administrators (as of 2016), if they don't already:
* [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Decause Remy DeCausemaker (decause)]
* [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kushal Kushal Das (kushal)]
* [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Hguemar Haïkel Guémar (hguemar)]
+1 from me for giving badge to mentors as well

''Source'': [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2016#Administration GSoC 2016]

= Changed =
Ticket: Has name
Ticket: Has description
Reassigning to riecatnor as original designer
Marking ticket as triaged
Marking concept as approved
Setting badge definition to "not yet possible" in terms of automation
CCing nb as badge admin to update granting privileges
CCing 2016 GSoC administrators for notification purposes

= Proposed changes =
Grant privileges to give badge to GSoC administrators (as of 2016), if they don't already:
* [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Decause Remy DeCausemaker (decause)]
* [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Kushal Kushal Das (kushal)]
* [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Hguemar Haïkel Guémar (hguemar)]
+1 from me for giving badge to mentors as well

''Source'': [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2016#Administration GSoC 2016]

Authorizations granted.

Authorizations granted.

Patch file that should add in the YAML rules for automating the badge

Patch file that should add in the YAML rules for automating the badge

Original YAML file used to create the patch

Original YAML file used to create the patch

With the ''summer-coding'' FAS group, automating this should be possible. I looked at other YAML files as an example when creating my patch. As it is, this should make it possible to automatically award this badge with just FAS now.

My only concern is that this isn't a new badge, but a pre-existing one… not sure if adding the rule now might make things weird. It would be nice to have it reviewed before merging in.

With the ''summer-coding'' FAS group, automating this should be possible. I looked at other YAML files as an example when creating my patch. As it is, this should make it possible to automatically award this badge with just FAS now.

My only concern is that this isn't a new badge, but a pre-existing one… not sure if adding the rule now might make things weird. It would be nice to have it reviewed before merging in.

= Badge updated =

The rule file is pushed to the repository and should automatically award the badge to anyone added to the group in the future. For people who are currently sponsored in the FAS group, a mapping was merged in yesterday as well that should award the badge to everyone who is sponsored in the group (this job runs at 13:25 UTC, so should be around then that the badge is awarded en masse.

Closing ticket because everything here should be set.

= Badge updated =

The rule file is pushed to the repository and should automatically award the badge to anyone added to the group in the future. For people who are currently sponsored in the FAS group, a mapping was merged in yesterday as well that should award the badge to everyone who is sponsored in the group (this job runs at 13:25 UTC, so should be around then that the badge is awarded en masse.

Closing ticket because everything here should be set.

Metadata Update from @mayorga:
- Issue assigned to riecatnor

7 years ago

@riecatnor Over here , the badge has a flag saying "GSoC", but this badge is apparently offered to both GSoC and Outreachy participants. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to keep it neutral? Or rather, have two separate badges for each of this? (i.e. keep the Summer Coder badge for GSoC and create a new badge for Outreachy. Besides, Outreachy has both a summer and winter session) I've created a ticket at #723. Let me know if this is something to consider :)

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