The badge description says "You submitted negative feedback on an update while on its way to the stable repo", however I was just awarded this badge for giving negative feedback to an update that is on it's way to testing:
The rule should probably be fixed, or the badge description get updated.
I guess this happened as there is rule for an update that is in pending state also - lambda: msg.get('msg', {}).get('comment', {}).get('update_status') == 'pending'
For reference, here's the message the incorrectly awarded the badge:
And, here's the rule that awards the badge
We could probably just add this to the trigger:
{{{ lambda: msg.get('msg', {}).get('comment', {}).get('update_request') == 'stable' }}}
Replying to [comment:2 ralph]:
We could probably just add this to the trigger: {{{ lambda: msg.get('msg', {}).get('comment', {}).get('update_request') == 'stable' }}}
Yeah, I think this'll do it. +1
Patched here:
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