#354 Badge for setting an expiry date for the GPG key used in FAS
Closed: declined 5 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 9 years ago by till.

What the badge should be granted for:setting an expiry date for the GPG key used in FAS
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): You prepared your GPG key for the future
Anything else we need to know:
setting an expiry date is a preparation in case one losts the private key in the future.


If I'm understanding correctly this badge, it should be triggered for every user with the following charactersitcs:

  • Has a GPG key
  • The GPG key has an expire date

Am I correct? I'm forgetting some conditions?

The key should also have a user ID for the e-mail address used in FAS or for the Fedora alias.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Custom field artwork adjusted to None
- Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None (was: 0)
- Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from None)
- Custom field has_description reset (from 0)
- Custom field has_name reset (from 0)
- Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from 0)
- Custom field triaged reset (from 0)
- Issue close_status updated to: None
- Issue tagged with: artwork-needed, community, review

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Custom field artwork adjusted to needed (was: None)
- Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false)
- Custom field has_description reset (from false)
- Custom field has_name reset (from false)
- Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
- Custom field triaged reset (from false)

7 years ago

Closing this ticket due to inactivity during Badges virtual hackfest. Please reopen if their is renewed interest. Thanks!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false)
- Custom field has_description reset (from false)
- Custom field has_name reset (from false)
- Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
- Custom field triaged reset (from false)
- Issue close_status updated to: declined
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

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