What the badge should be granted for: Updating tickets on the fedora-badges trac 1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 times
Possible concepts: Badger building a badge, sticky note with 'update' written, incomplete badge with sticky note on it, adding more sticky notes for each badge in the series, badge blueprint with added notes for each badge in series.
Hi, I've drawn a concept for what the badge could look like: [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/pvA7Bqn.png)]] For a single one, just a note with ideas [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/gb5aOmD.png)]] For 10, a blueprint for a badge [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/987pxbZ.png)]] [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/V6Ja7ci.png)]] [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/1XA6Svd.png)]] [[Image(http://i.imgur.com/TnQ4fzM.png)]] 25 through 250, the badge gaining its full form
attachment 364 1 v1.svg
attachment 364 10 v1.svg
attachment 364 25 v1.svg
attachment 364 50 v1.svg
attachment 364 100 v1.svg
attachment 364 250 v1.svg
Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-11-02/fedora_badges.2016-11-02-11.05.html 2016-10-03 meeting].
From a technical standpoint, my biggest concern is the discussion surrounding [https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/5553 leaving Trac to Pagure]. How we want to proceed here will be dependent on that.
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Issue assigned to hegataro
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None (was: 0) - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from None) - Custom field has_description adjusted to on (was: 1) - Custom field has_name adjusted to on (was: 1) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from 0) - Custom field triaged adjusted to on (was: 1) - Issue close_status updated to: None - Issue tagged with: content, review
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to has_draft (was: None) - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
Closing this ticket due to inactivity during Badges virtual hackfest. Please reopen if their is renewed interest. Thanks!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false) - Issue close_status updated to: declined - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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