#395 Marching with Remy badge
Closed: Rejected None Opened 8 years ago by nb.

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): You marched with Remy

We have a dancing with Toshio badge, we need a marching with Remy badge (idea came from a few people at Flock Rochester) I will attach photo of Remy marching with his light up staff from the Strong Museum.

Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
Leprechaun marching with his staff in his hand (like in the Wizard of Oz)

Hi, thanks for your badge idea! Unfortunately we are going to reject this one for a few reasons. This badge does not directly encourage people to contribute to Fedora. It is also limited to folks who can travel. The Dancing with Toshio badge was approved before we established these policies, and it was a sort of a good bye remembrance for Toshio. Lastly, Remy himself stated that he did not think this badge was necessary.

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