#57 Paranoid Panda
Closed None Opened 11 years ago by lmacken.

%YAML 1.2

name: Paranoid Panda
description: You updated your password with the Fedora Account System (FAS)
creator: lmacken

This is a link to the discussion about adopting this as

a for-real badge

A link to the image for the badge.


The issuer.

issuer_id: fedora-project

- topic: fas.user.update
- lambda: "'password' in msg.get('msg', {}).get('fields', [])"

Once the check has been triggered, this defines what we

actually check.

- "%(topic)s"
operation: count
greater than or equal to: 1

Reformatted. I'm open to other names for this badge as well.

%YAML 1.2

name: Paranoid Panda
description: You updated your password with the Fedora Account System (FAS)
creator: lmacken

This is a link to the discussion about adopting this as

a for-real badge

A link to the image for the badge.


The issuer.

issuer_id: fedora-project

- topic: fas.user.update
- lambda: "'password' in msg.get('msg', {}).get('fields', [])"

Once the check has been triggered, this defines what we

actually check.

- "%(topic)s"
operation: count
greater than or equal to: 1

Reformatted. I'm open to other names for this badge as well.

%YAML 1.2

name: Paranoid Panda
description: You updated your password with the Fedora Account System (FAS)
creator: lmacken

This is a link to the discussion about adopting this as

a for-real badge

A link to the image for the badge.


The issuer.

issuer_id: fedora-project

- topic: fas.user.update
- lambda: "'password' in msg.get('msg', {}).get('fields', [])"

Once the check has been triggered, this defines what we

actually check.

- "%(topic)s"
operation: count
greater than or equal to: 1

Artwork idea - a panda with sunglasses and a fake stache, or hiding its face behind a newspaper? I kinda love the sound of the name, though I guess you could say 'Paranoid' might sound like it's a bad thing when it's a good thing. Bit nitpicky though.

Artwork idea - a panda with sunglasses and a fake stache, or hiding its face behind a newspaper? I kinda love the sound of the name, though I guess you could say 'Paranoid' might sound like it's a bad thing when it's a good thing. Bit nitpicky though.





I really love that artwork and the name...but the combination of the two really kinda doesn't quite match the actual definition of the badge. Changing your password (once at least) isn't really 'paranoid'...I wonder if we could make this a series and have 'Paranoid Panda' be the highest level, for changing your password like 50 times? Thoughts?

I really love that artwork and the name...but the combination of the two really kinda doesn't quite match the actual definition of the badge. Changing your password (once at least) isn't really 'paranoid'...I wonder if we could make this a series and have 'Paranoid Panda' be the highest level, for changing your password like 50 times? Thoughts?

Um. We'd probably want to put rate control on password changes on the FAS side in that case. And an appropriate 'forbidden' message: "You can't change your password more than five times a day. We know you want the Paranoid Panda badge, but this isn't the way!"

Um. We'd probably want to put rate control on password changes on the FAS side in that case. And an appropriate 'forbidden' message: "You can't change your password more than five times a day. We know you want the Paranoid Panda badge, but this isn't the way!"

Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.

Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.

just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.

just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.

pushed the artwork to the repo

pushed the artwork to the repo

Replying to [comment:6 adamwill]:

I really love that artwork and the name...but the combination of the two really kinda doesn't quite match the actual definition of the badge. Changing your password (once at least) isn't really 'paranoid'...I wonder if we could make this a series and have 'Paranoid Panda' be the highest level, for changing your password like 50 times? Thoughts?

Circling back on this… I think making the condition higher than 1 may be a good idea. We want to encourage people to change their passwords on a regular basis, so making this a multi-tier badge might be cool.

Replying to [comment:6 adamwill]:

I really love that artwork and the name...but the combination of the two really kinda doesn't quite match the actual definition of the badge. Changing your password (once at least) isn't really 'paranoid'...I wonder if we could make this a series and have 'Paranoid Panda' be the highest level, for changing your password like 50 times? Thoughts?

Circling back on this… I think making the condition higher than 1 may be a good idea. We want to encourage people to change their passwords on a regular basis, so making this a multi-tier badge might be cool.

At the very least, this one should be on the second change of your password.

Otherwise everyone that signs up for a FAS account, then sets their password will get the badge everytime.

At the very least, this one should be on the second change of your password.

Otherwise everyone that signs up for a FAS account, then sets their password will get the badge everytime.

Can you file it as a bug on an existing badge, now it's been pushed? I think that's gonna work better. thanks!

Can you file it as a bug on an existing badge, now it's been pushed? I think that's gonna work better. thanks!

Metadata Update from @lmacken:
- Issue assigned to duffy

7 years ago

Hello to everyone,
I changed my password three times by now, since made my FAS account last year, and never get this lovely badge... Is something I need to do? to claim it?
Best Regards
FAS: geraldosimiao

Hi, I've changed my password as well and didn't get this badge. Could you please help me figure out why?
FAS: ljavorsk

The badge is probably broken. Looking at the ticket number, I guess it was made for the old, now deprecated, account system.

Provided the new account system emits messages on the bus, the badge rules probably need to be adapted. We'll look into that, like all other badges, after Badges 2.0 is a bit more mature then it is now.

Sorry for the disappointment.

Metadata Update from @gui1ty:
- Custom field artwork adjusted to None
- Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None (was: 0)
- Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from Approved (badges admins only))
- Custom field has_description adjusted to on (was: 1)
- Custom field has_name adjusted to on (was: 1)
- Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from 0)
- Custom field triaged adjusted to on (was: 1)
- Issue close_status updated to: None (was: Pushed)

a year ago

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Attachments 6
Attached 11 years ago View Comment
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