It would be sweet to have a badge for the people that play poker at FUDCon & Flock.
I have svgs for the artwork that was used on the physical Fedora poker chips if we want to use them for this.
So I would totally love to have this badge, but in the interest of acting like I'm not a gigantic hypocrite, I guess I should point out I argued against 'frivolous' badges in #30 . But then, we allowed #30, and a few of the other existing badges would fall under that banner.
I'm working on a proposed Badge Acceptance Policy at threebean's request. It'd honestly be a LOT easier to just say "BIG RED NO" to accepting badges that aren't about rewarding things that pretty directly benefit the Project. But we CAN try and work in something more nuanced about accepting some 'fun', 'frivolous', whatever you want to call it, badges as long as they're of high quality, really fun, and we don't take too many. I'll be drafting up the BAP...somewhere...tonight or later this week and we can discuss it in response to that, I guess.
Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.
just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.
If there is an official Flock event for playing poker than this badge could be created, until then, closing ticket.
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